Chapter 4

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Y/N and Dean trudge quietly through the brush whisper yelling at each other whenever either of them snaps a twig or crunch the leaves loudly beneath them. So they weren't as quiet as they were hoping to be. After a while of hopeless 'sneaking,' a rustle occurs from behind them. Startled from the noise Dean trips over a small log and Y/N turns around to investigate coming face to face with a slimy eyeball.

The eye itself was a sickly yellow its pupil stretching close to the iris' edge, the eye was attached to a slender stick-like body with the same coloured skin as Y/N saw on the forest floor. This particular alien looked like it had some skin missing from its forearm. "Who are you? What are you doing on this planet?" they ask blue gunk being excreted in fear of Y/N and Dean.

"Now we should be asking you the same. I'm Y/N, this is Dean. I'm here for personal reasons and he's here 'cause this is his planet. Now, why are you scared? Were you cast out of your tribe?" Dean's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I was cast out for I was not willing to partake in the feast of Marjblok. I'm not allowed to go back or else I will be slain. I fear that if you go near you will also be taken to the feast." At this point, Dean is above confused and his face is scrunched up to show it.

"Well It can't be that bad I am rather hungry." Y/N bants. The alien shakes its 'head'.

"Miss, you will be the feast." Y/N's mouth forms an oh shape as the realisation hits her and she stumbles golden light emitting from her once more. She coughs and bloody mucus shoots from her mouth splatting on the forest floor. Dean hauls her onto her feet swinging an arm around her waist and stabilising her.

"What the hell is going on? why are you glowing?" Dean panics.

"Just a spot of regeneration energy mixed with some TARDIS heart, y'know the usual." Dean shakes his head and sighs.

After Y/N has stabled herself and suppressed the glowing, the trio is back on their feet heading towards the stronghold that houses the pride of aliens. "What was that alien thing saying?" Dean asks. This confuses Y/N.

"You mean you couldn't understand them?" Dean shakes his head no. "Ah I see since the TARDIS isn't working it can't translate for you but since I have a part of the TARDIS it translates for me only. What they said was that basically we better hurry or my husband, friend and your brother will be dinner. So y'know we'd better speed it up a bit."

"What." Dean stares at her grumpily and continued on speedily clearly disgruntled. The alien looks at her and she just shrugs walking forward matching Dean's pace.


Inside the threshold, Clara is sitting on the floor sulking. "Oh, how are we going to get out of here? You don't have your sonic, we have no idea what they're saying, Y/N is probably dying and I highly doubt that that dimwit Dean is going to be able to get us out," she complains.

"Hey! Dean is not a dimwit, slightly thick-headed at times maybe; but if anyone can get us out of here it's him besides I'm nearly done trying to pick this lock." Sam defends Dean glaring at Clara as she sneers back.

"Oh, quit bickering you two that isn't going to help. Sam you're going to find it quite hard to pick that lock anyway; it's alien. And Clara we are not going to talk about Y/N dying." The Doctor bites his lip and leans against the somewhat clean wall and blows some hair out of his eyes. All of a sudden Sam is pushed back from the prison door and it opens a greasy eye staring at them hungrily.

The alien grabs Sam and Clara's wrists and pulls them out of the cell placing two cuffs on each of their wrists bonding them together and knocking them out. The alien turns around and locks the door to the cell before The Doctor can run out in an attempt to save his friends. 

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now