Chapter 9

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Y/N shoots up donking her head on something hard. She stirs a little before falling back onto the floor shaking violently.

Sam rubs his head sourly sitting back on his knees. "That's not good," The Doctor whips his head from the hall Clara just walked down. Sam takes notice and continues. "She's just gone into a seizure and the only way we can stop that is if she goes to a hospital but, I'm guessing you don't want to do that." The Doctor shakes his head violently confirming Sam's suspicion.

Y/N stops shaking suddenly and an azure blue light streams from her mouth, eyes and nose shooting towards the time rotor in the centre of the circular control panel. Which whirs and starts pumping when the light hits it.

The Doctor jumps up excitedly his eyes crinkly with a smile as he runs to the control panel and hugs it. Grinning like a small child that just won a huge jar of lollies.

Y/N glows a gentle yellow once more features seemingly changing and reversing every second.

This goes on for five minutes when the glowing stops and Y/N's chest heaves, sucking in as much air as possible. Her eyes snap open and then immediately shut again shielding themselves from the light. She blinks and lets her eyes adjust slowly as she sits upright.

"Man do I have a headache. Hey, where's Clara and do I still look the same? I hope I do, I tried my best to make sure I stayed the same, but then again in my state, I don't have much control over that, do I? Hello Sam, hello Dean, you're looking awfully surprised. I see my husband is happier the TARDIS is alive than I am, it is good she's up and running again though, would hate for that to have been all for nothing. Oh look he's noticed,"

The Doctor rushes over to Y/N and hugs her tightly. "I thought I lost you," he whispers. "And as much as I love the TARDIS you are so much more important, I would kiss you but unfortunately there are people around. Don't worry you look exactly the same. One last thing, we should probably finish taking care of those aliens we left burning down that forest. But first."

They sit hugging silently for what seems like days. Just basking in each other's warmth and holding each other as though if they let go their counterpart won't be there anymore. Sam and Dean look away awkwardly not wanting to intrude on the peaceful moment.

After a few minutes, they pull away from each other hesitantly and stand. Y/N brushes herself off and smiles. "Let's go get these creepy aliens off of your planet shall we," The Doctor grins at her glad to have her not spouting out internet nonsense and to have her back of course. "Oh yes," she says. "Doctor, why don't you go and grab Clara? I assume she is still in the TARDIS correct?" The three men nod. "Good. Off you go then I'll figure something out while you're looking for her. See you soon love." Y/N winks at The Doctor and he flushes a light crimson before he shakes his head and walks down the hall with Sam in tow.

Y/N turns back 'round to face Dean and fist pumps. "All right! The dream team is back! Now how do you suppose we get rid of these rascals without violence?" Dean shrugs with a loss of non-violent ideas.

Y/N places her hands on her hips and frowns. "That's helpful."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now