Chapter 11

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After a moment or two, The Doctor is calm and the room is silent. "Shall we go see what Sam and Dean have come up with for the second part of the plan?" Y/N asks softly. The Doctor chuckles.

"I had almost forgotten about that, but yes, that sounds like a good idea," Y/N stands and helps The Doctor up. "One small question though,"


"What's the first part of the plan?"

"I'll tell you on the way back to the control room. C'mon, let's go." So they trek off down the hallways, Y/N telling the plan animatedly The Doctor listening and watching with a small grin. The TARDIS made the trek a little longer than it usually would be just as an extra measure to make sure that The Doctor is as happy as he can be at the moment.

"Oh, Clara. Hey, you're just in time to help us with the rest of this planning thing." Sam looks up seeing Clara walk into the room.

"Hey," Dean greets. "What was all that yelling about?" Clara frowns slightly and shakes her head.

"You don't need to worry yourselves over it. Everything," Clara pauses rethinking her sentence. "Everything to do with the yelling is ok now. And even if I did tell you, you wouldn't really care about it. Anyway, what have you got so far?" Sam and Dean look at each other, Dean cocking an eyebrow. Clara sighs. "Really, it doesn't matter. Now tell me about the plan." She folds her arms and looks hard at the two boys.

Raising his arms in surrender Dean chuckles. "Alright shortcake, we'll tell ya. So first things first, we stop that real-life Calcifer from spreading and burning down the entirety of Illinois. We were originally thinking about calling the fire brigade, but Sam and I are kinda wanted right now. We did try to think of ways to get around that but they didn't work. We also don't know if this fire even reacts to water. So we're still figuring out how to do that.

Second, we go kick those bug-eyed bastards off our planet. Not sure how to do that without force but again we're still figuring that out."

"Really? That's all you've got?" Clara asks.

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"Of course, there's a problem! That's all you've got even with Y/Ns help. That's not good!" Clara chuffs.

"Well technically she didn't completely help, she was more preoccupied with her 'changes'. Besides, we don't know how this fire or these aliens work. It's not exactly in our job description," Sam speaks.

"I suppose that fair," She mumbles. "I'm going to take another look at that fire. See if I can figure it out." Dean snorts.

"Yeah, you do that."

Clara walks to the doors and opens them. The fire was flicking back and forth vigorously but no longer haunting a large area but just a sliver of ground. It was tall and slim and waved this to that. Then slowly as if noticing something from the corner of its eye it turned to Clara and roared.

Flames spread far once again and speed after the brown-skinned girl. She gasps and slams the blue doors shut.

"That fire was acting really strange, it was as though its sole purpose is to find us," Clara leans her head on her palm and taps her cheek lightly.

"Well, how are we supposed to know if it's acting 'strange' or not, it's alien." Dean chuffs displeased.

Clara rolls her eyes and rambles on animatedly. "I mean that the 'fire' looked confused or on guard as though it were looking for us. So that when it finds us, it can get rid of us. Like, say, a-uhh, police dog. Minus the 'get rid of us' part. Just think about it, the way to stop the fire is to make it think it's got us,"

Clapping echoes throughout the room. The trio turn their heads to the source in surprise. "Terrific Clara. Sam, Dean, I believe you should take notes she can be quite bright at times and it seems this is one of them," The Doctor points at the two boys while Y/N beams beside him hands clasped together.

"Now are there any ideas about the Sclararins?"

"Well, um, not quite yet. Sorry Doctor."

"Oh no need to apologise to him Clara we'll just have to figure that out now. Besides, it shouldn't take too long, I know a fair bit about the sclararins now that I've spent time with their ravishing leader," The Doctor glowers at his wife. "Come now love I didn't mean it in that context, anyway it isn't the time for jealousy," Y/N gives a wide grin

"We have a plan to hatch."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now