Chapter 7

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Y/N takes another step inside the large room, heavily decorated aliens by her side. The doors swing behind the group as they waltz in heroically. "Yeesh this room is covered with that coagulated acid and it absolutely reeks!" She pokes the goo on the floor in front of her. Dean and The Doctor open their mouths hoping words will come out in protest of this action.

The substance burns a hole in her skin. She recoils in pain and waves her hand around vigorously. "Ow, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!" Y/N giggles slightly still in a state of delirium. Her finger glows and the hole is gone, her finger now healed. Sam, Dean and Clara stare at her dumbfounded; amazed at the immediate healing.

The Sclararin leader the most heavily decorated of the five others steps forward. Dean hesitantly takes a step back as the alien keeps walking. It stops and stands in front of its peers letting out a series of gurgles. The gurgles dissipate suddenly and the alien's line of sight lands on the bullet wound. The room falls silent and the leader gurgles worriedly rushing to the wounded. It turns back to the delirious alien and her friends. It gurgles angrily.

"Is this the time where I say run? because I'm not sure you can do that." The Doctor speaks lowly. Y/N puts her hand up in a way of saying shush to her husband and so he does timidly. Sure he trusts Y/N but in this state? She's not exactly in peak mental condition. Y/N starts to speak her words mixing into a pool of memes and sensical things, lacing her voice with what she thinks to be a convincing tone. The chief gurgled once more now seemingly huffing in frustration.

"Yes they can be dangerous, especially when you're about to kill their family or them, but they can be inviting, when The Doctor and I help them out that is," She sends an almost sort of drunk point towards her husband but her words now flow effortlessly and memeless. "But if you toy with Earth you're toying with us and I promise you, you do not want to do that. So go leave this planet, don't ever come back or one of your tribe'll get shot again got it?" The chief cowers back and nods its head.

"Oh and are we still on for those croissants because that is a great meme that I do not want to miss out on," Instead of replying the chief hurdles his group together and scurries out of the room. Y/N nods. "I'll take that as a yes then." She then turns animatedly towards her friends and opens her arms wide.

"This is it chief! I've saved the planet!" She yells. Sam and Clara look out the window swiftly the others following soon after. They all seem to gulp comically.

"Not quite, love," The Doctor clenches his teeth. A large red flame comes searing towards them through the window. The Doctor sonics Clara's shackles and sets her free only to yell.

"Run!" Clara scrambles to her feet and The Doctor throws Y/N over his shoulder everyone booking it for the door. The flame smashes through the window enveloping the room with searing scarlet heat. The group sprint through the halls the flame following closely behind them.

The four sprint through all the twists and turns hoping to find the way out of the building by pure guesswork.


They finally make their way out of the building the fire seemingly following them every step they took, like a pack of wolves hunting a piece of helpless prey. The group stumbled out of the building and turned to look back as the flames swirled into a mix of reds, blues and oranges which ate the entire building like a peppermint.

The roof buckled and fell in on itself, windows explode and shatter and walls collapse. It was all like the scariest nightmare you could imagine. The smell of smoke and destruction overwhelmed the air and became too strong for the four watching the massacre. They turn and make their way to the forest to find fresh air but the smoke just follows them bringing the fire with it.

Once they get to the forest it's already combusting. The group weave through the non-burning trees, lungs filling with smoke making them cough and splutter. Y/N is strangely quiet although the others are too busy running to notice; the crunch of the leaves sounding loudly beneath them.

Soon they make it out of the once was forest and into the TARDIS. They slam the doors behind them, the dark almost enveloping them in a comforting embrace. the three humans slump down onto the TARDIS floor out of breath, lungs crawling for air. The Doctor sets Y/N down and notices her breathing is going at an unbearably slow pace until it just stops.


The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now