Chapter 2

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A loud boom engulfs the room knocking all three back.

"That's why." The Doctor answers after the ringing in his ears stop. Immediately after the TARDIS lands with a loud bang. The Tardis goes dim as the flames burn out the black smoke clouding the roof of the ship and Y/N collapses to the ground.

"Doctor! Y/N collapsed!" Clara swiftly spoke worry enveloping her tan face.

"Very observant Clara." The Doctor retorts walking over to the sleeping body that lay uncomfortably on the TARDIS floor. The Doctor picks Y/N up in a swift motion her body resting bridal style against his.

The air in the TARDIS grew more poisonous the smoke leaking into all three's lungs. Clara coughs.

"Doctor it's starting to get hard to breathe."

"Which is why Clara we will open the door and-"

The TARDIS doors swung open viciously revealing two men. One was taller than the other standing at about 6 foot 4; a fringe gracing his forehead and medium length (for a guy) wavy brown slightly shaggy hair. He had hazel eyes and a defiant 'I didn't ask for this to happen to me' look about him. On the right of him was a man who stood about three inches below with short caramel-coloured hair and green eyes that looked as though they had the life sucked out of them; he stood up as straight as he could in an attempt to make himself seem taller and a sour look plasters on his face.

The smoke filters swiftly out of the TARDIS in a massive wave of heat. The Doctor gives a big grin to both men as Clara stands back in awe.

"And you two must be Sam and Dean Winchester, I'm The Doctor, now I would shake your hand but as you can see I'm a bit tied up." Dean being the shorter of the two looks down at The Doctor's arms that held Y/N protectively and squints.

"What happened to her? Is she okay?" Dean questions slight concern lacing his voice.

"Oh, Y/N? Yes, she's fine, she's just taking a nap. For..." The Doctor thinks for a moment. "Awhile. Anyway, we really should get out, the TARDIS just isn't stable enough for us to be inside safely." Sam and Dean move out of the way letting Clara and The Doctor through.

The Doctor tastes the air and maps out their position.

"Fifth of August, 2008, Illinois. On an abandoned farm. Tell me, boys, why are you here?" Sam and Dean then turn around and start to discuss something.

"Doctor, are they really Sam and Dean Winchester?" Clara asks giddily.

"Who else would they be? Pinky and The Brain?" Scoffs The Doctor. Clara jumps with gruntlement.

"Wow!" Clara whispers excitedly.

The boys turn back 'round quickly. "First, Doctor," Sam speaks cautiously. "How do you know us? And why is your friend so excited to see us? And what happened to her?" The Doctor sighs.

"Of course you're going to ask me that, you're smart. Okay, 1. We're from a different universe where you're in a T.V show, we got here because my TARDIS  -this blue box behind me- decided it was a good escape from the Daleks, who're bad aliens. 2. My friend really likes the show which is called Supernatural. And 3. My wife here decided to take on a section of the TARDIS' life force to save it so we could get back to our universe, which is very dangerous I must say, so it made her collapse for a bit. she'll be fine though." Sam nods slightly thunderstruck and Dean just stands there staring.

A shrill scream then pierces the silence.    

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now