Chapter 13

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Y/N swung the TARDIS doors open wide. The fire was yards away now, still searching. Y/N yells. "Oi! Poppet! -Ooo, poppet. Never said that one before- Looking for something?"

The flame reared its head and charged toward the quintet. Sparks flew from the creature billowing out making the flame look larger and more intimidating. It crackled and popped loudly, flames flickering across the dry blades of grass.









They brought the dummies in front of themselves and then threw them into the flames.


It was like fireworks loud and exciting, this time though it was a lot eerier. Maybe the faces weren't quite accurate but the clothes were, the hair was, the forms. Well, nearly. Albeit that, it was unsettling. Watching yourself burn.

Sam and Dean turned away, painful memories boring in their minds. Y/N and The Doctor's eyes sparkle in the warm light. Clara grimaced watching the pillows burn with the now soft lavender flame.

"Well I have to say," said The Doctor. "It's quite a pretty colour. Not a pretty sight what's happening in the flame but otherwise really lovely, I'm glad you thought of this Clara." Clara hummed thankfully.

"The fire is pretty, but I know someone prettier." Y/N smirks at The Doctor. He looks at her quizzically and then points at Clara. Y/N shakes her head, he points at the TARDIS she chuckles and shakes her head again then points at him.

"Me?" His mouth forms an O shape as he blushes in embarrassment. "Well, you're prettier." He says, and smiles gently, admiring the flames' lilac glow accentuating his beloved's newer and older features. Her kind eyes were one of the older, forever staying the same, comforting, loving, and gentle. The Doctor could stare into these eyes for years without ever getting bored or looking away.

Before long their trance is broken by Clara snapping her fingers in their faces. "Well come on you two stop flirting, the fires out, all that's left are the aliens." They giggle quietly and follow Clara back into the TARDIS.


"So what do we do next?" Sam asks wandering around the console.

Dean shrugs grumpily. "Well we're not allowed t' shoot 'em, so I'm outta ideas."
He slumps down on a chair by the railing, exuding waves of angst around him.

"Oh don't be like that Deanie-boy, you look like a hormonal teenager," The Doctor remarks looking at some old Sclararin analytics. "I'm sure you've got some useful ideas in that violent noggin of yours." The Doctor grins while the others just giggle quietly. Dean harumphs and looks away, pretending to examine the walls of the TARDIS.

"Y/N, d'you think you could go and scan around for a trail of where they might've gone?" The Doctor holds his sonic out in her direction.

"Course I can, love." She grabs the sonic and marches out the door. "Back in a 'tic!" She calls out behind her.

"I'll come." Dean jumps up and follows her out, ignoring the questioning look from his brother.


The crisp air was fresh. Only the faintest smell of smoke and ash lingered. Y/N took a deep breath as she stood just outside the TARDIS doors. She sat leaning against the unopened door, taking in the fresh air and calm moment.

Finally, she could breathe, and be at peace. If not for a few minutes. She wouldn't have minded if The Doctor walked through the door and sat down with her. It had been a while since they both had a proper peaceful moment. Especially with The Doctor's new personality. Proactive and endlessly energetic.

Of course after Amy and Rory, the quiet prevailed over Y/N and The Doctor. But not only was the quiet short-lived it was also suffocating. The seemingly never-ending bickering and banter of the Ponds always presented a comfortable nature about the couple, which soon spread to the Time-Lords making the quartet a tightly knit family.

Until it was silenced. Y/N and The Doctor certainly respect and commend Amy's decision to be with Rory, but still. They may have gotten through the temporal disturbance once before, but that was against practically impossible odds. Never again would they be able to see their newest family members. And that hurt. Horribly.

"I thought you were supposed to be scanning for those freakazoid eyeballs," Dean's voice snaps through the silence. Y/N jumps slightly.

"I know. And I will, it was just so peaceful out here I had to take a moment to bask. Y'know surprisingly enough I don't get a whole lot of those."

Dean chuckles. "Yeah, I get it. I can't wait to have all this monster crap gone, whether I die for real or get rid of it all with Sammy. That dumb demon just had to go and screw up my family," He sighs and slides down next to her.

"Just gotta keep on that highway to hell until you get to heaven. If that makes any sense." He adds. Y/N nods gently.

"I get it."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now