Chapter 1

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The TARDIS span out-of-control phasers phasing. The Daleks followed the TARDIS shooting spastically never getting past the forcefield protecting the dark blue Police Box. Inside the TARDIS red lights are flashing and warning sirens are blaring. "What's happening!" The Doctor and Y/N's newest companion Clara yells.

"Well uh, we've lost control of the TARDIS and she's phasing out of the universe!" The Doctor yells back.

"Doctor that's going to kill her!" Y/N shouts as she grabs the Doctor's arms worriedly. He looks down and hugs her.

"I know." He muttered into her hair.

"Wait! Maybe not!" Y/N yells pulling away from The Doctor and starting to stabilise the TARDIS. He raises his nonexistent eyebrow.

"Last time this happened there was still a small source of life in the TARDIS left right?"

"Well yes but, since it's happening again there won't be any source of life left she'll be gone forever." The Doctor replies confusedly.

"Who'll be gone forever?" Clara inquires,

"The TARDIS, Clara. But Doctor we can save her we just need to direct a small amount of her life force to something that will sustain her energy until she's recharged enough to take us back! But the question is who?"

"Who? W-what do you, oh. Oh, I see." The Doctor spouts nervously.

"What? What's going on?! Doctor?!" Clara yells fed up with being ignored.

"Well Clara, someone has to absorb the heart or soul of the TARDIS for a day or so before we land or as you would say, we are screwed," Y/N explains.

"Well I'll do it then," Clara says fidgeting with her collar.

"But how can the TARDIS have a heart? It's just a spaceship." Clara asks. Y/N scoffs.

"Just a spaceship, the TARDIS is much more than a spaceship she's intelligent, sexy, and a living thing just like you or me thank you very much. Maybe she would like you more if you were nicer to her. And Clara, you are not doing it." Y/N rants.

"And why can't I?" Clara bites back.

"It's dangerous that's why I'm doing it," Y/N replies finalising the argument.

"Y/N, are you sure?" The Doctor asks unsure.

"Yes Doctor I am and you are not changing my mind." Y/N sets to work getting prepared to take on an extra life entering her body.

"There's no changing her mind is there Doctor?" Clara inquires.

"No, I'm afraid not Clara." The Doctor walks off to help Y/N whereas Clara just sits down on a seat and grumbles.

"Y/N you know if you do this you'll regenerate." The Doctor states picking up a couple of wires.

"Yes but I can put the regeneration on hold," Y/N says taking the wires from him.

"Not for long." The Doctor whispers.

"It'll take all your energy. It'll be difficult to come exploring with Clara and me."

"I know Doctor, but it's our best bet on getting back to our own universe. Sonic." The Doctor hands over his Sonic Screwdriver a frown taking over his face.

"Alright." He says opening the lid of one of the TARDIS' compartments below the console.

Soon the phasers start slowing down and the TARDIS starts to explode fire sprouting everywhere. Clara shoots up from her seat as a section of the console explodes beside her. "Doctor! Y/N! The TARDIS is exploding!" She yells over the rail to the section underneath the console.

"We noticed! The exploding means we've entered the other universe and are crashing through the Earth's atmosphere!" The Doctor yells lifting up a sheet of metal where a blinding glow exposes itself. Clara rushes down the TARDIS steps and meets with the light.

 "What is that?!" Clara's eyes snap shut immediately shielding themselves from the light.

"Something you shouldn't be messing with!" Y/N grunts as she reaches her hand into the foreboding light.

"And yet you are?!" Clara replies questioningly. The Doctor moves over to Clara expertly avoiding the flames.

"Come with me, Clara." He says pulling her away from the flames and light.

"Now listen, I don't entirely approve of what she is doing either but if we want to get back home (wherever that is) she has to. Now I would suggest blocking your ears."

"What? Why?"  

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now