Chapter 3

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Y/N shoots up hitting her head on the roof of a car. "What in the ever living universe?" she rubs her head and a golden glow fills the car. "Ah, yes right. So where am I?" She looks around the car. "Queen, Metallica, ACDC tapes, beige faux leather seats, black car hood." Y/N steps outside the car and circles it. "KAZ 2Y5. 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Baby. Well, we must be in the Supernatural universe; so The Doctor and Clara must be on a hunt with the Winchesters," She laughs quietly. "Watch out Sherlock I'm stealing your thunder,"

"The Doctor probably won't like me wandering around," Y/N grins. "This'll be fun." Y/N strolls away from the car making sure to lock it behind her, digging through her pockets she finds The Doctor's sonic and sighs. Luckily for her, he forgot to take it back so if she gets into trouble she can find her way out easily. She walks her way into a thin forest, trees scattered sparsely across the glade. Beside a dead kit lays a brownish-purple-green strip of mutilated skin. Y/N sniffs it and scans it with the sonic. "Sclararins. they shouldn't be here. Then again when has anyone ever complied with that rule." She stands up and scans the rest of the area to find the trail of the injured Sclararis.

After a few minutes, the sonics picks up an alien wavelength in the southeast. "Gotcha." Y/N grunts and falls to the ground. "Now now, calm down, it's not time for that yet." She struggles to speak and tries to get up failing miserably. All of a sudden Dean comes running past. "What the hell?! C'mon get up we gotta run!" Y/N manages to quiet the golden glow emanating from her body and tries to get up again where she falls back down with a thud. Dean growls and lifts her up running as fast as he could with her in his arms. Soon they get back to Baby and he rushes her inside. Slamming the door and getting into the driver's seat. He revs the engine and drives quickly down the road.

Y/N folds her arms and places them on the front seat. "I assume Sam, Clara and The Doctor have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble with the Sclararins then? The name's Y/N by the way." She smiles and pats him on the back. "Don't worry we'll get your brother back."


"Why in the hell did you leave the car?! There was a specific note telling you not to!" Dean exclaims in frustration taking a bite from the diner's special. Y/N finishes her mouthful of Self Saucing Pudding and Salt and Vinegar chips while Dean grimaces in disgust.

"Well for 1, I didn't see any post-it notes, letters or what have you so how could I have known,  2, I would've gone out anyway curious mind you see, 3, don't look at me like that; you just have primitive taste buds and besides it's not as disgusting as The Doctors Fish Fingers and Custard. Which I might add is an abomination to this universe." Dean chokes on his burger and punches himself in the chest to get it down.

Once he had finally stopped choking he spoke again voice gruff from coughing. "What was that green buzzy thing that you were holding against that weird, burnt skin thing? And why on earth are you married to that man he's insane!" Y/N holds out the sonic.

"Oh, this? It's a Sonic Screwdriver that works on everything but wood; it proves very handy sometimes, except for the times wood is a problem. As for me being married to The Doctor that's a whole other story but long story short I met him through my brother, we ended up having a few shared interests him being a lot more eccentric, and we started being around each other more and more often and then as things progressed we sorta fell in love? Me for his eccentricity, good intentions and everything else and I don't know about him I wasn't all that likeable for everyone but my family and him."

"Anyway, we have to get to our trapped friends. Now, where was it that they got caught?" Y/N cocks her head to the side twiddling the sonic around in her fingers.

"Well, I think it was a couple of miles east from your husband's box thing,"


"Yeah, whatever." Dean gulps down the remains of his burger and stands gesturing for Y/N to follow him and so she does.  

A short car drive later they arrive a small distance away from the TARDIS her doors now shut and paint starting to flake away from the exterior. Y/N walks up to the TARDIS Dean trailing slowly behind her. She runs her hand down the TARDIS' side more paint falling to the ground. "Oh, you poor thing. As soon as we're done resuscitating and saving the others we'll go back and you'll immediately feel better, I promise darling." Y/N says pity lacing her voice.

"Hey at least 'she's' not on fire anymore." Dean jokes earning a sharp glare from Y/N who just shakes her head in agreement. 

"I s'pose. C'mon let's go inside," She walks around to the front and pushes the doors open revealing a dark ashen interior. "Now hopefully the tracker still works."   

"What? After all this carnage?" Dean chuckles shaking his head. Y/N just ignores this comment and walks towards the cracked TARDIS screen. She holds the Sonic out pointing it at the screen and pressing the button on the side lighting it up and the familiar quiet whirring filling the dark almost silent room. The screen flickered on for a millisecond and then turned off. 

"Don't move," Y/N says to Dean and he just nods too in awe of the inside of the so-called 'box' to speak. She tries again this time getting it to work just barely. "Scan for alien life forms," She orders the screen. 

A short amount of time later a few dots appear hazily in the southeastish part of the screen. "Identify," words appear in circular Gallifreyan on the screen. "Righty-ho a small Sclarain colony of about 43 of the buggers and one idiotic Time-Lord. Hey Dean." Y/N smirks amusedly.

"Yeah." He chokes out.

"Found 'em."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now