Chapter 15

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The Doctor's hearts beat rapidly and he pulls Y/N into his chest and squeezes her tight. Reciprocating the hug she settles into his arms listening to the quick bumps of his hearts. "If you die.." he whispers.

Y/N looks up and stares into his eyes. "I won't, we just need to make some of the most delicious croissants to seal the deal," She smiles gently. "I'm not going to leave you alone,"


"I promise."

Y/N pulls away from the Doctor and grins at everyone. "Well, I suppose we should start on those croissants."


Y/N and The Doctor pull out the ingredients and set them on the bench.
"Clara, you preheat the oven. Sam, you get out the measuring cups and spoons. Dean, you help Sam. And Doctor you and I can just stand here looking pretty."

They set off to work, gathering measuring devices, preheating the oven and standing, watching over the chaos and giggling as the three humans try to figure out the TARDIS kitchen.

"How in the world do you get this darn oven to work?!"

"What the hell are these damn things supposed to look like? I can't see any fricken' measuring things anywhere!"

"Calm down Dean, I'm sure they're around here somewhere."

They open draws and turn dials but they still make no progress, The Doctor and Y/N stand giggling to each other quietly.

After a few moments more Y/N moves forward and whispers in Clara's ear. "I think you forgot to turn the oven on," she grins and points to a switch on the wall. Clara groans and begins to mutter while she flicks the oven on, turning the dials to preheat the oven.

The Doctor laughs as he looks to and from the three humans' frustration. "Boys, your eyesight must be terrible," he says. "The measuring cups are right here." Like Y/N a Cheshire grin spreads across his face as he jabs a thumb behind him, pointing out the cups sitting neatly on the bench.

Dean slams a drawer shut and glares at The Doctor. "You could have told us that 15 damn minutes ago!" He yells exasperated.

Y/N cackles. "Hoowee! Anyways, d'you want to grab one of those pastry cookbooks for me, Sam, they're just in that clear cabinet right next to you."

"Uhhhhhhhhh, which one?" He asks gazing at the plethora of cookbooks all in differing languages.

"Any will do, Sam. I haven't really made any croissants before- I'm not really a pastry maker- but it's still nice to have recipe books though. Although that probably means we might end up making a bad recipe. If that happens then oops I guess." She shrugs nonchalantly turning back to face the bench and begins to wipe it down.

Dean's face scrunches further, his sour mood worsening. The Doctor glances over at him and then swings his arm over Clara's shoulders. "Well, it's a good thing we have Clara then isn't it? She's a soufflé expert," Clara looks at The Doctor in disgust.

"Soufflé is a dessert, not a pastry," She huffs.

"It's basically the same thing."

"No, it's not."

"It really isn't dear." Y/N interrupts.

"Can we just make the damn things already?" Dean snaps and grabs a cookbook slamming it onto the bench and rattling the utensils in the process.

Y/N and The Doctor just shrug. "Hoh-kayy, Deanie-boy," They start flicking through the pages searching for a croissant recipe. "No, no, no, no, no, no. How in the world did you pick the only one that doesn't ha- oh never mind here it is." The Doctor mumbles.

Y/N claps her hands together. "Great! Let's get started."


After a harrowing few hours of preparing the dough, the time finally comes for the dough to be cooked in the oven.

"Well done everyone, now we just have to wait 20 minutes for the croissants to cook and we should be all set to remove those aliens from your planet. Us too I suppose." The Doctor says.

"Ugh more waiting? Seriously?" Dean scowls folding his arms tightly against his chest. "We've been at this for hours. They've probably left by now and all this is most likely pointless,"

Sam stares at his brother and moves to pat him on the shoulder. "Calm down Dean, it's only another 20 minutes. Besides Y/N mentioned that they have a spa room somewhere here, so why don't we go relax for a bit while the others wait for the croissants to finish."

Dean rolls his eyes and starts exiting the room. "Fine." Sam quickly follows after Dean.

"I'm going to guide them to the spa room. I'm sure they'd find it on their own eventually but I don't really want them to get lost," Y/N pushes herself off of the bench and kisses The Doctor on the cheek. "See you in a bit."

"Bye." Clara and The Doctor say in unison.

"Can you explain to me again how desserts and pastries are different because I'm really not getting it?"

"You know the name of every single planet, moon and star. As well as how to build highly advanced technology out of scrap and you still don't understand the difference, even though Y/N, Sam and I have explained it to you multiple times?!" Clara rants. The Doctor just shrugs in response. She groans loudly in frustration.

"I will explain it to you one more time and no more. Got it?" The Doctor nods slightly frightened of the short woman in front of him. She huffs and begins to explain.

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now