Chapter 10

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Y/N smirks somewhat giddily. "Looks like 'new' me is more confident in the flirting realm. Nice," She crosses her arms proudly.

Dean grumbles gesturing confusedly. "That has anything to do with getting rid of these dickheads, how?"

"Oh, it doesn't. I may look the same but it doesn't mean I'm not at least a little bit different, I'm discovering my new changes while figuring this out... Do either of you have any mints?"

Sam and Dean look quizically at each other and shrug before answering.
"No sorry."

"Always," Sam looks at Dean incredulously. "What? I've got to be smelling and tasting-" Dean winks, "fresh for the ladies." Dean pulls out a mint from his pocket and throws it at Y/N who catches it effortlessly, all while Sam puts his palm to his forehead and sighs.

"Much appreciated Dean, thank you," Y/N smiles popping the sweet into her mouth. "Anyhow here's what I've got so far. And don't worry yourselves it doesn't include the police... Yet."


The Doctor walked past the pool room nearly missing Clara sitting inside dangling her legs in the cool water. The Doctor backpedals and walks into the quiet room.

He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off almost immediately. "Were you going to tell me?" Clara's voice trembles as she speaks. The Doctor walks next to Clara and sits down swinging his legs also into the water. He sighs.

"Clara, I-I wanted to tell you but you do realize that it wasn't up to me. You- you're one of the very few of our companions, our friends to know. Albeit the fact you found out in some not-so-great circumstances but that doesn't matter.

What-what matters is, is the reason why we didn't tell you," The Doctor takes in a deep breath and exhales shakily. "You see Time Lords, they uh, they are allowed a set amount of regenerations. Whether it be 12 or 13. Everyone gets some. I have used up some of my extras in previous regenerations. Now Y/N has been very good at keeping herself safe over the centuries. So theoretically she should still have fivish left but this disease she has, has well taken that number down to"

The Doctors face twists into a frown. "Down to what?" He doesn't answer. "Doctor down to what?" Clara stands hastily.

"She's awake now, and fine. You should go say hello," Clara glares at him.

"Not until you tell me,"

"Clara." The Doctor warns a stern tone taking over his once trembling voice.

"Doctor." Clara challenges. The Doctor stands and looks Clara in the eye. Clara stares back. The tension in the room starts to spike as The Doctor and his companion's blood pressure starts to rise.

They stand like that for a few seconds which to them felt like minutes. When finally cracking through the silence like a violent whip The Doctor yells.


The Doctors voice slows to a whisper as tears flow like waterfalls down his reddened face. "I-I'm sorry Clara, I shouldn't yell. It's just soon she's going to disappear like everyone else and I just can't imagine a universe, any universe without her by my side. I'm going to miss her. So, so much. And I feel like I already do. Hel this is all my fault."

He sinks to the floor again, knees pulling themselves to his chest, elbows resting on them as his hands dangle hopelessly in front of his legs. His head hung down so all he was able to see was the slight blur of tears as his body was heaving out wet sobs.

Clara looks at him, a mix of emotions and thoughts running through her skull.


"So. Whaddya think?" Sam and Dean nod thoughtfully taking in the beginning of what hopefully would become a successful plan.

Dean speaks. "Well, I think-." Sam cuts Dean off suddenly, holding a cautious hand to his brother's chest. "Hey!" Sam shushes him quickly motioning for him and Y/N to listen.

A quiet yelling was coming from down the TARDIS hall. "Did you hear that yelling?" Sam asked quietly, and the other two nod. "Think everything is okay?" He asked. "Maybe we should go check it out."

"You guys should stay and keep adding to the plan, I'll go see what's wrong. And Dean? No violence." Y/N glares at Dean before walking off down the hall looking for the source of the yelling.

As she gains closer to the pool room Y/N hears a soft mumbling. "I just can't imagine a universe, any universe without her by my side. I'm going to miss her. So, so much. And I feel like I already do. Hel this is all my fault."

Y/N's face immediately softens as she leans against the doorway of the pool watching as her husband crumbles painfully into tiny pieces. She stares for a second or two before breaking and quickly rushes to The Doctors side cradling him as he sobs.

The raggedy man moves so he is hugging her tightly grasping onto her shirt like if he lets go all will be lost. He buries his wet face into the crook of her neck breathing in her scent while he cries.

"Sweethearts, this isn't and could never, ever be your fault. And Hel I'd be damned if I didn't keep myself safe for the next millennia. I could never do that to you, my love. My hearts couldn't take it. It'll be okay, I'll be okay. It's my last run now. We've got to make it count. I love you so so much Doctor. You better keep that in mind for the rest of your life you hear?" The Doctor nods slightly, sniffling. "Good."

"I love you more than the stars in every galaxy." The Doctor splutters out.

"I know love. I know."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now