Chapter 6

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"I mean it, get away from him," Dean glares holding up the gun towards the aliens. The aliens cock their heads and do nothing, gunk slinking out of their tear duct. Dean fires a warning shot into the air startling the extra-terrestrials; they jump back heads ringing from the loud noise. Their pupils shrink to small speck, the rest of the eye going red, they totter forward, the blue goo now pouring from almost every orifice in their body; it dripping onto the dirtied floor.

They move somewhat slow but seem to speed up as they get closer to Dean. He steps back, firing the gun three times more, managing to shoot one in their slim shoulder. It slinks back grasping its wound until it sticks a bony finger in the bullet wound and continues forward ignoring the spiking pain. "Didn't like that now did'ya?" Dean smirks cocking the gun once more when the kitchen door bursts open.


Y/N and The Doctor are at the crossroads when they hear a loud bang coming from the hall opposite the one they had just come out of. They look and each other and sigh "Dean." They state simultaneously and rush forward down the hall steps falling loudly in unison.

"He is such an idjit, I told him on the way here not to use his gun and what does he do?! use it! jeopardising any chance of getting the Sclararins off of this planet," Y/N groans shaking her head ever so slightly.

"He's Dean Winchester what did you expect? I still think you're too unwell for this," Her counterpart sasses.

"I'm fine. Coughing up blood is nothing. Let's just get to Dean before he kills someone,"

"I don't believe you but fine."

Three more gunshots ring out causing The Doctor to speed up but Y/N slows down lagging behind. The Doctor stops and turns 'round rushing back to her. Her glowing picks up again. "Go on ahead, I can control it, I'll be there in a second just get to Dean because I have a feeling that one of those bullets hit a sad boi," The Doctors face goes stale.

"Are you seriously 'meme-ing' right now? You better be quick and please for the love of the universe don't get caught." He sighs and starts rushing down the hall.

"I meme when I'm delirious. I'll try not to get caught but I can't guarantee anything." Y/N chuckles and crawls over to lean back against a wall and hums to herself the WII Channel tune trying to calm down her Regeneration.

Quiet footsteps emerge from the end of the hall. "Doctor? Done already?" Y/N croaks out. The footsteps come closer and six people come into view. This alerts Y/N and she scrambles to her feet swaying. Holding the regeneration back in her state is tiring her out so the people come out blurry as they get closer and closer. She sways and trips catching herself on the wall beside her.

"Get her, we'll use her as leverage." Someone mumbles. Two people seize her arms, icky slime coming in contact with her skin. She coils back in protest but only succeeds in stumbling over nearly making her newfound guards fall with her. Suddenly they are walking again and every few steps Y/N nods off for a moment causing her to stumble and her guards to prod her awake and pull her forward further down the hall.


The doors burst open revealing The Doctor. He looks over to the wounded Sclararin and growls. "What did Y/N tell you, Dean? Now I have to clean up this mess and get these people off your planet but thanks to you it's going to be twice as hard." Dean is now lost for words and staring at The Doctor. He motions towards Sam and Clara.

"Just because they are in danger does not mean you go and harm someone!" The Doctor scolds. The Doctor then snatches the gun off Dean and throws it to a corner far from them.

The gun goes off upon hitting the floor finally startling the unconscious captives awake. They groan and sit up. Sam leans back into the chair that's holding him back and into the slime that sears through his clothes and burns his skin. He hisses and leans forward once more from the pain. Clara cringes and tries her best to avoid the gunk surrounding her. She struggles slightly due to being tied up.

"Doctor, what is this gunk and why did it burn Sam?" Clara exclaims groggily making herself as small as she possibly could.

"Sorry Clara, in a bit of a pickle at the moment, I'll tell you later." The Doctor chuffs holding out his sonic towards the oncoming aliens. The Sclararins gurgle violently as though they were threatening the two in front of them.

"Oof, Those are some insulting words right there. You should really watch your mouth around my husband; he hates bad language," All six heads perk up and look towards the doorway once more, the Sclararins stopping to look at the newcomers.

"Howdy! It's me ya boi, coming at ya, with some big help!" The Doctor laughs dumbfounded.

"That's my wife! Man, I love her!" He points at her grinning from ear to ear, earning a rightful grin back.

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now