Chapter 12

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"Does this place have any dummies or mannequins?"

Y/N and The Doctor look at each other with disdain. "Not after our encounter with the Autons in '05," Y/N shudders.

"Why Dean?" Sam asks. Dean rolls his eyes.

"Well, if that alien fire's sole goal is to kill us we could use dummies that look like us to make it think that it's got us." He explains. Surprise filled the faces of The Doctor and his beloved wife.

"That's actually a good idea Dean. Well done! I'm sure we can whip something up. Do you have any spare clothes on you?" Dean glowers at the insult while The Doctor jumps up and claps his hands together. "We've got plenty of spare pillows from countless pillow forts, I'm sure we can use a few of those and shape them in a Time-lordy sort of look."

"We don't actually have any spare clothes on us surprisingly enough," Dean grumbles. Sam sighs.

"It's still a good idea though isn't it Dean." Sam nudges his brother.

"Yeah. I guess." Dean leans his head on his palm looking dejected.

"Doesn't the TARDIS have a wardrobe?" Clara suggests. "Couldn't we use that?"

"Oh! Yes! Brilliant! We could put our current clothes on the pillow dummies so they both carry our scent and look like us and we could then change into other clothes that the wardrobe gives us! Wonderful Clara!" Y/N jumps up and rushes down the hall of the TARDIS.

Once she notices that no one is following her she turns around and pops her head into the control room. "Well, c'mon, I can't do this on my own." She grins and dips back down the hall.

The Doctor smiles and heads after her. Dean groans and stands along with his brother and newfound friend. Realising that the two smug aliens won't wait for them, they get up and rush after them.


Clara works over drawing faces on pieces of paper that look like the gaggle of friends and Sam and Dean are looking for clothes that suit them. Y/N and The Doctor are shaping some spare cushions to look vaguely like the anatomy of a human body.

Y/N ties off one of the strings shaping the pillows and stands. "Hey, love?"

"Mm," The Doctor hums.

"Do we have any wigs? It's been so  long since our last dress-up party I've forgotten,"

"I think so, I think they're in the draws by the fez's." He nods his head in the direction of the bright hats while he ties another knot.

"Thanks love." Y/N kisses his head and walks towards the tapered hats, swiftly hopping over Clara and her artwork. The Doctor flushes at the action fumbling over the string in his hands.


The clothes have just been fitted onto the plush figures and Clara is now pinning the drawn faces onto the heads.

"Why is the one with my things so short?" Dean asks. "It's shorter than hers!" He gestures to Clara.

"Sorry Dean, we started running out of the number of pillows we were willing to use. We still have to make pillow forts you know." The Doctor shrugs. Dean glares at the Gallifreyans and grumbles under his breath.

Sam pats him on the back sympathetically. Clara finally moves back from the figures and turns around making jazz hands.

"Ta-daaaaa! What do you think guys?" She exclaims excitedly. The quartet look at the faces for a while just a little baffled. Y/N turns to Clara and smiles reluctantly.

"Well done Clara," She starts. Clara's eyes sparkle. "They're passable, I'm proud of you," Clara's smile falters for a moment before returning.

"And now the wigs!" Y/N claps excited and picks up the wigs placing them quickly on the makeshift mannequins.

Once she finishes she looks at them, mostly at the one resembling her husband. "This one's missing something," She points to it and heads off to get something.

"Pssh, missing something? It's not missing anything, it looks exactly like me!" The Doctor sighs as Y/N returns with the missing piece. He frowns in disdain.

She places it on the head of the mannequin and steps back admiring it. "You can't be serious Y/NN, you're going to ruin a perfectly good fez!"

Y/N rolls her eyes and waves her hand dismissively. "Oh please hun, you have an entire shelf of them. And besides nothing can resemble you properly without your favourite piece of headgear," She pecks him on the cheek and picks up her mannequin.

Dragging her mannequin along with her she heads toward the TARDIS doors. Y/N turns and looks at the others quizzically. "Well? Aren't you coming? We've got a fire to extinguish."

They smile at each other. Shrugging as they follow. Dean smirks.

"Let's extinguish this son of a witch."

The 11th Doctor x Reader: Just A Little Life Left (SPN, DW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now