6. Advent

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Hi! Sorry, I miscounted myself a bit :,(. I thought Advent was going to be the 26 of November. (Stupid A/N!)
But anyway, here's the next chapter, I hope you like it! And don't forget to comment!😘

Previous chaptet: 5. Avoiding

Sherlock's POV

Avoiding John was a horrible idea. I've been feeling like shit since that "nose-break" incident. I didn't want him to get bullied because of me. Although I thought he was annoying, he still didn't deserve to be treated like me. And I have to admit, I was a bit scared. I was scared that maybe John would cause me pain. Who knows? After my relationship with Victor...

I've been avoiding John for more than three and a half weeks. It felt worse after each day. I don't understand why. John is just like the others! I've kept saying this over and over, but now I don't know. Somehow I don’t think it’s true anymore. And for some uncomprehended reason I don’t want to avoid him anymore. I don’t understand why, but I want to talk to him. To hang out with him. When I first started avoiding him I didn’t care about how he was feeling. But when I saw him in the first week, walking lonely in the corridors, I started to feel guilty. John was nice with me when we first met and he didn’t call me a freak like the others. Instead, he called me amazing, so why am I avoiding him? And having a real friend really would be that terrible? Maybe I should try to get closer to him? Maybe I should say sorry and talk to him, or at least explain to him my behaviour. Would he think I’m a freak? Obviously, I am a freak. Pushing people away who are kind to you just the misunderstood freak people would do like me. Normal people don’t do that now, do they?

Since it’s Sunday, I don't need to go to school. Fortunately.

But the Advent season began…

When I enter the kitchen I notice Mycroft sitting at the table.

"Good morning, brother dear!" He says with an annoying smirk on his face. I sit down on a chair and my mum puts my breakfast in front of me which is a cup of tea and some eggs. I take a sip when my mum speaks up.

"I was thinking. Maybe we could invite the new neighbours to us." I spit out my tea. Mum stares at me in disbelief and Mycroft in disgust. He then goes out of the room and sits down in the living room.

"I think I have to agree with Sherlock. That's a horrible idea." He says and I hear him turning his laptop on.

"Sherlock, the mess you've made!" Mum says angrily, but cleans it up. "I don't see why not, by the way. It would be a lovely dinner with our new neighbours!" She says and starts to wash the dishes.
No! It wouldn't be lovely! How can she be so stupid?!

"Why do we have to invite them?" I growl angrily. 

"Because I want to get to know them." She answers. I pull my left eyebrow up.

"Oh, really?" I say. "The father was invaded home from Afghanistan, the mother works as a nurse and the girl is gay and stupid." I say and kick my chair back so I can stand up. Mum turns around madly.

"Don't you dare to speak like this young man! How can you be so ignorant and rude? Go into your room and get ready, because we will have guests tonight!" She hisses and I roll my eyes. "And don't you dare to roll your eyes! Who do you think you are?" She asks with a sick look, then points towards the stairs. She still thinks I'm a child or what? I part my lips to say something back, but she silents me with one dead look. I sigh dramatically and go upstairs to hate the world. I have billions of reasons why this dinner would end up in a disaster. John definitely hates me, and I feel too guilty and ashamed to talk to him. Mycroft is not a public-person either, so he would obviously be working on one of his accounts, making us feel uncomfortable - because he always does this. The parents wouldn’t notice anything of this of course, they are all blind at things like this. They always see the best in everything. If you don’t say exactly that you suffer, they wouldn’t notice it. They’d think that everything is alright.

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