10. I don't want to do this

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Previous chapter: 9. Getting to know each other

Sherlock's POV

I get up from my bed very sleepily. I wander into the bathroom with some fresh clothes hanging down on my arm. Since today Mycroft decided to drop by us, I have to eat my breakfast with my brother sitting next to me. I take a loud sip from my tea. And another one. And another one.

"Can you please stop it?" Mycroft asks annoyedly.

"What? Drinking tea?" I ask, 'confused'.

"No, the sipping." He says with a frown. I don't reply, just take another sip from my cup. "You're so childish!" He growls and goes out of the kitchen. I smile contentedly and drink the tea. After that I go upstairs to brush my teeth.

In the hall I put my long coat and my blue scarf on. I have to pull my coat tighter around my body outside, because it's damn cold. I turn my head towards John's house and see that the boy is stepping outside as well. I walk slowly on the pavement towards the postbox and wait until he gets there. John waves at me with a small smile which I return.

"What did your parents say about the Christmas sale?" He asks.

"I haven’t asked them yet. They weren't home yesterday." I say, to which John nods.

"My mum said it's fine. But I have to dress warmly." He says, rolling his eyes.

"I think mum will say the same." I say. "And I'll have to buy something for Mycroft." I add after some thinking. John smiles, then puts his hands into his pockets. We walk in silence in the way's other half. When we get there we stop and look up in surprise at a gigantic Christmas tree that a couple of men are bringing in.

"Woaw!" John says in awe. "I have never seen such a big tree before." He says in great amazement.

"Me neither. In our school there have always been big trees, but this tree is much bigger than the previous ones." I say as we step to our lockers. After we put our stuff inside, we go to our lessons. John art, I music.

When the bell rings, everyone runs out of their classes. I go to my locker and see John packing inside. I greet him and he hums back a hi. He’s looking at a leaflet in his hands. 

“What’s this?” I ask and look over John’s shoulders. He hums again, so I start to read. It’s about next week's programs. For example we could go ice skating, to the theatre, to the cinema and we could do some handmade things in the school. And everyone with their classmates will do a Christmas quiz on Friday. I look at John who’s still reading the programs in great excitement. I quickly fake a smile. I see that he wants to go to these programs, and I don't want to make him sad because I don't.

"That's amazing! There was nothing like this in my previous school." John says with a happy smile. "Next week we won't have any lessons!" He says excitedly. "What do you want to do?" He asks as he looks back at the leaflet.

"Well..." I start. I want to tell him that I don't want to go to these silly programs, that I want to stay at home like I did in my previous years, but when he looks up at me with those dark blue galaxy eyes I immediately change my mind. "I don't know. Everything sounds good." I say. I can’t believe I just lied to someone because I don’t want them to get disappointed. Since when do I care about what people need? They don’t care about my needs, why should I care about theirs? But then I have to realise (again) that John is different. He is my friend. Friends care about each other - or something like that. They have to make sacrifices for one another. So I think that’s what I’m doing now. And it would be great to spend more time with John.

"Yes. I would like to try ice skating the most." John says.

"Then let's register." I say with a  smile and close my locker.

"Okay. Where?" John asks, while we're walking towards the library.

"At the headmaster, I guess." I say and open the door in front of him.

"Thanks." He says and goes into the library. We sit down on two bean-bags and John looks at the leaflet. "Which program do you want to try the most?" John asks. Neither of them.

"I don't know. Maybe we could start with the cinema." I suggest. I would miss ice skating less on Monday morning.

"Good. Then Monday cinema." He says. "What do you think about the handmade stuff on Tuesday?" He asks as he turns towards me. I nod. "Okay, we got this one too. Wednesday?" I start to think. Wednesday is in the middle of the week. And I'm in my best form on Wednesday, because on Monday and Tuesday my brain can't think about school because of the weekend and on Thursday and Friday it is the same problem with the same reason.

"Ice skating?" I ask. John nods in agreement.

"Okay. Then ice skating is on Wednesday." He says and smiles at me. I turn the smile back. I don't want to go to these dull programs, but I don't want to disappoint John. He said in his previous school they didn’t  have programs like these, so I don't want to take this opportunity from him to experience it, just because I'm lazy.

"Then on Thursday we will go to the theatre and on Friday we will have a Christmas quiz with the class."

"Yes." John says and puts the leaflet into his bag. We spend our break in the library and after the bell rings, we go to our lessons.

Next chapter: 11. School programs - Monday (11.12.2023)

Sorry, it's a bit short!
But hope you like the story so far!😉

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