12. School programs - Tuesday

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Previous chapter: 11. School programs - Monday

John's POV

I wake up around seven o'clock and take a quick shower. With putting my bag on my shoulder, I go downstairs. My mum gives me my lunchbox and I try to shove it into my bag. I thank her and sit down.

"What are you gonna do today?" Mum asks.

"Some handmade stuff." I say as I put a tomato into my mouth.

"Sounds good." She says and sits down on the opposite side from me. "Who will be there?" She asks curiously.

"I don't know. Sherlock of course, and Greg said that he will come too, but Molly will go to the theatre." I say.

"Ah, okay. And when will you go to the theatre and ice skating?"

"Tomorrow we will go ice skating and on Thursday to the theatre." I say and finish the breakfast. "Thanks Mum! Have a nice day!" I say and go out of the kitchen to the hall.

"Bye darling, have a nice day too!" She cries after me. I go out of the house. Sherlock is already standing in front of their post box (as always), so I fasten my footsteps.

"Hi!" I say with a big smile. Sherlock greets me the same. "What do you think, what will we make?" I ask.

"Um... It's different every year..." He says.

"Oh..." I mumble. "And what was it like in the previous years?" I ask.

"Well uhm... they were kinda, you know... khm... christmasy." He replies while scratching his head.

"Oh, okay." I say. While walking we're chatting about different things. As we turn to the left, we see the now decorated school. It’s nice. When we get inside we nearly step into a gigantic Christmas tree. I can see some handmade decorations on it. So we'll do stuff like these, I think. I see that Sherlock is not as excited as me, but when he sees me staring at him, he smiles. I return it. I don't know why he is looking so annoyed and bored, but I decide not to ask anything. Maybe he's just tired. I go to my locker with Sherlock. After we pack in, we go to the waving Greg who's trying to stick something.

"Hello guys!" He says. "Can you please help me?" He asks and points towards a sticking gun. "Making stuff like this isn't really my area." He says with a smile. I take the sticking gun and after Greg tells me what to do, I start to stick the wooden sticks.

"And what is this, by the way?" I ask, pointing at the wooden sticks.

"It's a star." He says, like it's obvious. I raise one eyebrow. The 'star' is made by two wooden sticks in a + position.

"I think you should add another two." I suggest then take the 'star'.

"Maybe you're right." He mumbles and looks at his star. While I was helping Greg with the sticking, Sherlock disappeared. I try to find him by looking around, but I don't see him.

"Where has Sherlock gone?" I ask Greg who's trying to take the stick strings off himself.

"I don't know." He says. For a while we look after him, but after some minutes Greg finds him. "Look! He's up there!" He points towards the Christmas tree. I turn up my head in pure confusion, but when I see Sherlock standing on a ladder, trying to put up an angel, I understand everything.

"No, no, no! The other left!" A girl says who's standing in front of the tree. "No! It is not good!" She mumbles.

"Works for me." Says a red haired girl who is standing next to the other girl.

"Everything works for you." The black haired girl says back.

"Oh, for God's sake make a decision!" Sherlock spats down. "My arm went numb!"

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