19. Do you agree?

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Previous chapater: 18. The announcement of result and an unexpected chat

Yeeeey, a new POV! I hope you’ll enjoy it! (Sorry, it's a bit short.)

Mycroft's POV

Yesterday I had a really extraordinary chat with Sherlock. If anyone would have said that I would talk about my little brother's love life with him a month ago, I would have laughed into the person's face and would have left them. But now that it happened, it doesn't seem as weird as I thought it would be. It's true that I wasn't expecting it, but fortunately we're over it now.

Since my colleagues sent me home for the holiday, I have much more free time to tidy the house. It's unbelievable how messy Sherlock can be. His stuff is throughout the house and his room looks as if a bomb has exploded in it. How can he live like this? I can't even work at a messy table. I know that Sherlock and I are chalk and cheese, but he really should tidy around himself sometimes. If he would do it, his room wouldn't look like this.

But nevermind, after I tidy up after my messy little brother, I sit down on the sofa and look at my parents. Since they arrived very late yesterday, I couldn't talk with them about Sherlock.

"Well, Miky?" My mum asks and I roll my eyes.

"Mycroft is the name you gave me, if you could possibly struggle all the way to the end." I say. She rolls her eyes.

"But what did Sherlock say?" She asks impatiently, not really hearing what I said.

"Well..." I say, trying to think it over how I should say this. "You were right." I decide. My mum gasps in shock and my dad's jaw pops.

"Oh my God!" Mummy mumbles in shock.

"Yes." I say, then look at them meaningfully. "But he doesn't want to tell that to John." I say and my parents come back from their shock.

"But why not?" Mother asks, surprised.

"Because he isn't capable of believing that John loves him back." I sigh.

"WHAT?!" My parents scream. "John is in love with Sherlock?" Dad asks in disbelief.

"Isn’t it obvious?" I say. Why is everyone so ignorant?

"But why do you think John loves him back?” Mother says.

"Gregory can't keep a secret."

"And he knows it from where?"

"John has told him." The room goes silent. While my parents are trying to accept the new information, I thrum with my fingers on my knee. "But nevermind." I say after a few minutes of silence. "I couldn't convince him. He doesn't want to believe that John loves him, so he decided not to tell him. Sometimes he can be very stubborn." I say. Dad gives me a dirty look.

"I say this without any malice, but admit it Mycroft, if someone told you that someone loved you, would you believe it?" Dad asks.

"No." I say honestly. "You're right, it's understandable why he doesn't believe it."

"But let's turn back to Sherlock! How will we convince him?" Mum asks cluelessly.

"I have no idea. Maybe we could wait for John to admit it first." Dad suggests, and I shake my head.

"Gregory said that John definitely won't admit his feelings to Sherlock. John doesn't want to believe it either that Sherlock loves him. Feelings are so complicated, for how long am I keeping saying this? And see? I've been right!" I say. But then something pops into my mind. "But I think I know how we could convince Sherlock." My parents’ eyes light up in hope. "But for that I will need your agreement.”

Next chapter: 20. Presents (22.12.2023)

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