8. Victor Trevor

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Previous chapter: 7. The apology

Sherlock's POV

After the lessons end I go to the lockers with John to pack in our books which we won’t bring home. I watch John shoving his books into his locker, feeling the urge to say something to break the silence.

“What about some food?” I ask before I can think it over. I wish I didn’t say this. What if he’d reject it? I still don’t understand why he accepted my apology. It’s new to me to have a friend - or I don’t know in what state our relationship is right now. I don’t understand a lot of things about friendship or human nature, which is annoying. I don’t like not knowing. Since I didn’t have friends before, I thought information about these things would be just a waste of space in my mind palace - which was true. But now I don’t know. John is very nice and I really like him, but I have no idea how I should act with him. What if I hurt him with something? Would he forgive me again? Or would it be too much? What if he wouldn’t want to be my friend - or that what he is now. What would I do? Maybe nothing. Maybe I would just move on and promise to myself that making friends isn't my area and I’ll never try to do it again. But maybe I’d be disappointed or hurt. Maybe I would break down or turn into myself, but maybe I could ignore everything that I’d be feeling. I really don’t know. I just hope he will stay by my side. And maybe care for me. Or is it too much to ask?

“Really?” He asks surprisedly, but excitedly as well. “I love to hear this! The restaurant which I was talking about has closed, I don’t know when it will open again, but I saw a place where we could order some pizzas, so maybe we could check it out.” He says and closes his locker. I nod in agreement and follow him out of the building. I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a message to my mum, saying that I won’t go home for a little while. I slip it back to its place in my long coat and listen to John who has started talking about the new place we’re visiting. We cross a small park, chatting people around us. When we arrive there, we stand in the queue and glance up at the menu. All I can see are enormous pizza sizes. I frown at them, to which John opens his mouth. “You can order just one piece if you don’t want a complete pizza.” He says.

“Oh… Okay.” I say and look back at the big paper menus above us. A young boy turns to us and asks what he can give us.

“Um… Just one piece of pizza, cheese, salami and corn on it.” John says and pulls out his wallet. The boy shouts back towards the kitchen the order then turns to me.

“And you?”

“Same.” I say and take out my wallet too, but John stops me. I give him a questioning look.

“I’ll pay.” He says and I shake my head.

“No, you don’t have to.” I say defensively, but he looks so firm, I see no chance to argue with him.

“Yes, I don’t have to, but I’ll pay yours as well.” He says and I smile, putting my wallet away. This boy is unbelievable.

“Thank you.” I say and he returns the smile.

“No worries.” He says and steps out of the queue, letting other people order their foods.

When our pizzas are ready, we take them and go back to the park, sitting down on one of the many benches and start talking about several things. I didn’t know talking about nothing could be that interesting. But talking to John is… relaxing? Knowing that someone listens to me makes me feel less helpless and outsidery. Once an old lady in black clothes passes us then sits down on a bench that is not so far from us. John takes a bite from his pizza and licks his lips before speaking up.

“Could you deduce that woman?” He asks quietly and I look at the old woman. I run my eyes over her head to toe and turn back to John.

“Done.” I say and finish my pizza. John looks hopeful, like he’d love to hear what I have got about her. I open my mouth to start my endless monologue, but then close it back and smile at him teasingly. “What about you?” I ask and he makes a baffled face.

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