13. School programs - Wednesday

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Previous chapter: 12. School programs - Tuesday

Sherlock's POV

These two days weren't that bad as I imagined they would be. But I was quite nervous because of today. I have never ever ice skated before. Mrs. Hudson said I will quickly get into it. Well I hope she's right. I eat my breakfast in silence, humming and nodding to something Mrs. Hudson says about her experiment in ice skating.

"Oh, I remember when I first stood on ice." She says, her voice filled with emotion, the good old memories of her youth popping into her mind. "Frank already knew how to do this, but I was really clumsy! I remember myself falling on top of him after my first step." She says and chuckles happily at the memory. "But then I got into it easily. I'm sure you'll be fine." She says reassuringly and I hum again. I'm not so sure about that...

"Okay kids, come here, the bus will arrive soon." The PE teacher shouts.

"Hi guys!" Molly greets us with an ice skate on her shoulder.

"Hi!" I say in sync with John.

"Don't you have an ice skate?" She asks as she pulls her eyebrows together.

"No." I mumble. Why is everyone so surprised? Not everyone has an ice skate.

"I've already told you Sherlock, " John starts. I can see that Molly is bothering him. I don't know why, but I decide to ignore it. "You can borrow ice skates from the borrower." He says.

"Oh, yes..." Molly says. "I hope we will have time to look around the sale." She says hopefully, then turns to the PE teacher who's walking towards us.

"Do you all have an ice skate?" He asks, looking at all of us. John and Molly nod. I shake my head. "Okay, then you'll come with me to the borrower. I think it will be five pounds." He informs me and goes away, leaving us there.

"I'm so excited, the last time I ice skated was a year ago." Molly says with a smile. "Are you nervous Sherlock?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders lightly.

"I don't know. It's not like it's a big thing. In the worst case I will just slip on my ass." I mumble and Molly chuckles, same time as John rolls his eyes. I glance a look at him. He looks at the arriving bus, a frustrated look on his face, frowning at everything Molly's saying. I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion. Usually I know everything just by looking at a person, but John is somehow different. I can't read what's bothering him, and asking it doesn't seem like the best decision right now. I don't hear what Molly is saying, just see the expression on John's face. Anger and frustration and... Something which I can't describe with words right now.

"Sherlock?" Molly asks and I turn my head towards her.


"I was just asking if you'd be interested in... well..." She says, stuttering. I roll my eyes impatiently.

"In what?" I ask, looking down at her.

"I don't know... Maybe... Um, this is really embarrassing." She mutters, I guess more to herself than to me.

"Haha, you figured it out?" John mutters so quietly Molly can't hear it. But I can. My eyes go wild at his behaviour. His words are dripping from rudeness and distastefulness. What's wrong with him? John is nothing like this. He's always so cheerful and kind and happy... and not rude and arrogant (like me). Has something happened between him and Molly? I don't remember them fighting.

"So um..." Molly starts again. Would you like to go out?" She blurts out and I freeze. What the hell did she just say?! "I mean, this came out kinda wrong." Well yes, I agree with that. "I didn't mean go out like a date, but like, you know, to the sale or example, or I don't know... You know what, nevermind." She mumbles and turns around to leave. I look at her left place. My brain is racing. What has just happened, may I ask? Did Molly really ask me out? She wouldn't... But a few minutes ago... No, I don't understand. I look after her leaving figure and I open my mouth.

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