17. Christmas sale

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Previous chapter: 16. School programs - Friday

*I can give you an advice to listen to the song All I want for Christmas is you at a special part. You'll realise when it will come.😉 Sorry for not leaving here the song, but I don't have YouTube and I didn't know how to put it here, so yeah.

John's POV

My eyes shut open in the morning. I let a genuine smile creep up to my mouth. It’s Saturday. And I’m going to the Christmas sale with Sherlock today. I’'ve been waiting for this day so much! The thought of Sherlock and me walking on the snowy sale's street, listening to Christmas songs, speaking and getting lost in our own little world gave me goosebumps of excitement all over my body.

I kick my blanket off and go into the bathroom with some fresh clothes. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I go down into the kitchen to get some food. I find my dad sitting at the table. Seems the others are still sleeping. I'm not surprised, though. Nobody is awake on an early Saturday morning. Except me and my dad.

"John?" He asks, confused. "Why are you up so early?"

"Just because." I answer shortly and pour some coffee for myself which my dad made a few minutes ago.

"It's impossible! You always sleep till eleven o'clock. When we're lucky." He adds. "I know you, and there's no God who could wake you up before ten in the weekends!" He says. I take a sip from the coffee and sit down on the opposite seat from my dad.

"I wasn't sleepy." I say simply.

"You're never sleepy, but you sleep either way." He argues.

"Hm..." I hum while drinking my coffee. "I got up because I wasn't sleepy and that's it." I say, turning towards him. Dad stares at me, not really convinced, but then he looks out of the window.

"We thought with your mother that maybe we could go into the city today. Just to buy some things, you know." He says and I frown.

"But I already have a plan for today." I say.

"Oh... I didn't know that. And what's it?"

"I'm going to the Christmas sale with Sherlock." I say.

"Oh... Okay." He says quietly. He opens his mouth, but then closes it back, then repeats the whole activity. I give him a questioning look. "Lately you're spending a lot of time with him." He blurts out after some minutes. I look at him with a confused expression.

"We're friends." I give an explanation (if it hasn’t occurred to him yet), to which he nods.

"I know, but don't you have other friends? I mean... I've never heard that you're going out with someone else. Wherever you go, always just with him."

"I have other friends." I say defensively. "But he's the best." I say and take another sip from my coffee.

"But you should go on programs with your other friends too." He says, making me even more confused. What is his problem now? Why is it bad that I spend most of my time with Sherlock? "I'm not saying that you mustn't meet Sherlock, of course, but try to go out with the others too." He says and I nod, looking out the window with a confused look. I glance back at him, pulling my brows together. He seems slightly uncomfortable - but why? He takes a deep breath and I wait if he says something. He doesn't. I totally don't understand him. Why is he acting so weird? And why is he asking these questions? Where does he want to bring this conversation?

"Okay, fine." I assure him and drink the last drip of the coffee.

"I hope you didn't wake up that early, because you're going to the sale." I shake my head, trying to seem as honest as possible. Of course I woke up because of this, but he doesn't have to know this. I wonder if I told him about my feelings towards Sherlock what he would think. He’d probably kick my ass out. Okay, he accepted Harry, but he's always been in the knowledge that at least one of his children is 'normal' as he would describe it. I'm afraid that maybe he would not accept me. I don't even know how I am supposed to react to it. I figured out that I love him, but I don't know how I'm supposed to handle it. I don't want to tell it to anybody until I haven't cleared it with myself. "Good." He says. We sit at the table in silence when Harry's room's door swings open. She sits down sleepily with her morning-messy hair. After she pulls one of her curls out of her eyes, she looks at me in pure surprise.

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