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"Should I wear the green dress or the royal blue one?" Esmeralda asked as she held the two dresses in front of her, patiently waiting for Estelle's opinion. 

"I would definitely say the green one. You will look stunning in the dress, and it will probably match the theme for the premiere." Estelle answered after she took her time inspecting both dresses with her eyes and analysing which one would make her best friend look absolutely stunning. 

Esmeralda thanked her friend as she placed the green dress on her bed, hanging the other dress back into her wardrobe. 

"Have you heard anything from Charles or Hoseok?" Estelle asked, as she waited for her friend to put on her dress. 

"Last I've heard, Charles is happily dating Charlotte Sine, or well that's the truth if you decide to ignore the rumours that are going around. Meanwhile, Hobi is preparing for his military service." She explained, stepping into the room again. 

"How do I look?" 

"You look great, Esme. I'm sure you'll capture a lot of attention today at the red carpet." Her friend answered genuinely, taking a picture of Esmeralda before putting her phone in her pocket. 

"Hopefully, I won't steal all the attention. God knows I don't need more attention than there is already." 

"Well, we can't all be born into a rich family that gathers attention wherever they go." Estelle jokingly said, taking her friend's arm as they both walked out from Esmeralda's room. 

"Let's get you to the premiere, oh gorgeous one." 


"Esmeralda, look over here!"

"Ms. Belamour, over here!" 

The photographers and reporters exclaimed, cameras flashing as they all tried to grab her attention for a picture. 

Esmeralda smiled as she tried her best to meet every demand and request for poses as she stood at the red carpet with her media trained smile, waving and greeting the people that came and went. 

Growing up, Esmeralda had been forced to attend media training with her brother to not only uphold the prestigious name that their family had, but also to make it easier for her to avoid petty scandals. In a way she could already somewhat picture the upcoming headlines, edits and comments that would surface after this event was done.  It would not be an event after all if a Belamour did not steal the thunder at some point. 

She could not wait until she was allowed to leave the red carpet and all the interviews that were currently being held by reporters. Esmeralda was not even a part of the cast at all, yet she was somehow invited to a movie premiere that she had no connection to. 

"Well, it can't be? Ms. Esmeralda Belamour." A voice said next to her, interrupting her from her inner thoughts. 

"If it isn't the woman herself. How have you been Olivia? I've listened to your new song, can't catch me now and I absolutely adore it." She responded as she pulled said woman into a warm hug. 

"I've been doing great recently, makes me happy too to hear that you like my song. Have you met anyone from the cast yet?" 

"Not yet, I'll probably be able to meet some of them sooner or later," she answered as she gracefully fixed her appearance. "Do you think I'm allowed to walk away from the carpet now?" 

The question made Olivia laugh as she noticed the seriousness in her friend's eyes and the desperate tone in the question. She simply nodded slowly as she noticed how Esmeralda's eyes started to shine and a small smile started to form.

Double take | T. BlythWhere stories live. Discover now