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Esmeralda smiled as she placed her hands over Tom's while the two of them waited for their food to arrive. The two lovebirds had gone to a restaurant that had received a lot of praise from the male for providing good food and service.

"Do you have any plans for after the Christmas Ball?" Tom quietly asked as he looked at the beautiful woman who sat in front of him.
"I was planning to find a flat here in New York, and permanently move here. However, those plans might need to be halted due to the Kdrama I agreed to act in which will start its production after New Year." She answered with a small smile.

Sometimes, Esmeralda wished that her father had continued to live in some mansion in Europe. She knew that despite the awful nature of her mother, her father loved Danyi with a burning passion. A passion that she did not understand why it even existed in the first place, especially since it was directed towards her mother. Esmeralda used to imagine when she was younger a world where her father had not met Danyi and had instead married a more elegant and kinder woman.

"May I ask what the upcoming schedule for the upcoming three months looks like for you?" Tom inquired with a small smile. The Belamour woman thought for a minute as she mentally went through her schedule for the upcoming three months.

"Well, for Christmas we both are required to attend my mother's annual Christmas Ball, then for New Years I probably will be able to spend it here with you in New York if you want. During the week of Christmas I will most likely meet up with Hoseok and Lalisa. Around January the filming of DOONA will start so I will have to travel back to Seoul. And then we have February. I don't have that much planned, however, Charles has bothered me long enough that I promised him that I would attend the first race of the Formula One season in Bahrain. You are invited to attend the race with me if you have the time of course." Esmeralda replied as she informed her boyfriend of the four main events that she believed were the most important things that would occur in the upcoming three months for her.

Tom nodded as he listened to the information. He had brought out his phone to write down the things Esmeralda was telling him so that he could easier remember it.
"Sounds like a busy 3 months. Have you thought about doing a little tour for your debut album?"

The woman smiled while she thought about the possibilities of a tour. While that would have been lovely, she's too busy at the moment to even entertain the idea. Besides, she did not want to start a little tour and have no people buy tickets for it.

"I think doing a tour would be lovely, however, I am currently too busy for it. Do you think people would buy tickets for it?" She asked him, seeking for the sense of approval and support that her insecurity needed. Despite all the fame and wealth Esmeralda has, it also comes with a baggage of insecurities and anxiety that she is forced to pretend it does not exist.

Tom gently rubbed his thumb over her hand. He dropped the hand and carefully leant over the table, grabbing her jaw to encourage her to look at him. The man had a soft smile as he placed a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I think you let your insecurities get the best of you sometimes, my love. Your album is great and a lot of people have posted on their social medias how much they love it. I know for sure that you would probably be able to get sold out tickets if you were to do a tour." He said with a kind tone. His voice was filled with emotions that made her insecurities fade away for the time being.

Esmeralda was about to respond to him when the waitress came back with the food that they had ordered. Tom had ordered a steak and red wine while she herself had ordered a pasta dish that had mushrooms and beef together with a glass of Pepsi.

"I still don't understand why you picked Pepsi out of all drinks that were on the menu." He said as he picked up the knife and fork to cut the steak.
"Are you going to pick on every opinion I have and the decisions I make, Tom? I am afraid that this relationship will not work out then." She jokingly responded as she picked up the fork.
"First bananas, and now Pepsi?" 

Double take | T. BlythWhere stories live. Discover now