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Two stars we never thought crossed paths - Esmeralda Belamour and Nicholas Galitzine are dating!

They truly said "private and secret".

Yesterday afternoon, a source from someone close to Esmeralda leaked that she is currently dating the British actor Nicholas Galitzine

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Yesterday afternoon, a source from someone close to Esmeralda leaked that she is currently dating the British actor Nicholas Galitzine. The news came as a shock to everyone who got to hear about it since no one has truly seen the two actors talk to each other or even been in the same room. When the leaked information became known, many of their fans refused to believe it due to how little evidence, that they knew about each other, exists. However, we should not rule out the glaring evidence that the young actress has been posting a lot on her Instagram with captions that suggest that she is currently crushing or even falling in love with a man. Unfortunately neither Nicholas or Esmeralda has revealed anything more about this. More information might be revealed tonight at the Jimmy Fallon show but not a lot of fans are counting on that. Due to these latest scandals that the Belamour actress has found herself in, one cannot help but wonder if the labels "whore" and "attention seeker" that some of her fans have given her holds some truth behind it?


Esmeralda screamed into her pillow in frustration as she reread the latest article that was posted this time by Koreaboo. At this point she was starting to really believe that someone was out for her throat. She usually manages to avoid ending up in scandals but ever since she started seeing Tom and ruined her connection even more with her mother, Esmeralda could not help but find herself in scandals and rumours that were as far away from the truth as they could get.

In fact, she was quite sure that her mother was behind the latest dating rumour. Her mother always liked to cause chaos wherever she went, and since Esmeralda tried her best to stay as free from scandals as she can get, her mother had probably gotten tired of it. Especially now after she has most likely found out that she had lied to her own mother. She also had to remind herself that her mother would have known that Nicholas was a direct descendant to the house of Golitsyn, a former Russian princely family.

Esmeralda had already sent away a message to Nicholas asking him about it, which led to a long conversation between them where they both tried to figure out who could have sent the wrong information to just create drama. She would not lie and say she was not grateful for the little friendship he and she had but her loving him in a romantic way just seemed so far fetched.

The Belamour woman had also sent away a message to Tom to try and explain herself to him in case he had already managed to see the articles. The messages between them had been a disaster in her eyes. At least from her part. Tom's response was just sweet and understanding with a final message saying that entertainment columns and gossip pages were just a bunch of lies with only 1% of truth. Her own? It was a mixture of typos, keyboard smashes, panicked texts in capital letters and cryptic messages in emojis.

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