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"Changes of plans, I need you to get to the airport this afternoon to fly over to New York." Anteros informed as he slammed the door to her bedroom open. He ignored the glares that Esmeralda sent his way, who was currently curled up in her bed with a blanket around her, a bowl of popcorn and the flat screen currently playing In the Soop.

"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend," Esmeralda mumbled irritated. "You do not just barge into a woman's bedroom like a storming ox, you fool."

"First of all, rude," Anteros said as he grabbed the empty suitcase that stood next to the door and walked towards his little sister's walk-in closet. "Secondly, the reason why I need you to go to New York is because I've got contacts there who said they could help you finish the project quicker. And lastly," he continued, picking a dress that was in front of him, humming as he inspected it. "You've been invited as a guest to the Tonight show Starring Jimmy Fallon next week, I accepted the invite for you while also booking a hotel room that you can stay in until the project gets done. Don't worry about the hotel room, I asked Jungkook which hotel he would recommend."

Esmeralda stared at her brother in disbelief. 'Perhaps', she thought to herself, 'she had grown too complacent with her brother that he totally disregarded the proper manner on how to behave around a woman.'

"Get away from my closet, idiot." She said as she paused the episode and lightly pushed Anteros out of her closet, placing the dress back to where it was supposed to hang.

She grabbed a few dresses that she liked, placing them gently on her queen bed. She walked into her closet, looking at the shelves where she had her t-shirts as she made a mental yes or no to each piece she grabbed. The shirts she wanted were put on her arm as she continued to go through all her different skirts and pants, wondering what to pick.

"Don't forget it might actually snow in New York so pack clothes that are suitable for that." Her brother said from the armchair that he was sitting on. She nodded at the information as she picked her clothes based on what weather might appear while she is there. 

After thirty minutes of either nodding or shaking her head for herself, she stepped out from her walk-in closet, with her hands full with different outfits. 

"You think all that is going to fit in one suitcase?" Her brother asked in disbelief as he saw the pile of clothes his sister was carrying.

Esmeralda just looked at her brother with humourless eyes as she put the clothes on her bed, bent down to open her suitcase where a couple of travelling bags were already placed.
"You've clearly never packed properly then." She dryly responded.

She continued to pack her suitcase, making sure she had rooms for some shoes to be placed in it too. After a while the suitcase was finally packed, with space still room for more. "Could you grab the other suitcase that is next to you?" She asked as she grabbed her phone to see if she had any new messages from her friends.

"Why do you need a second suitcase?"

"Have you slowly lost some brain cells or are you just dumb in general, brother dear? Obviously I need one more suitcase since I'll be living in New York for the rest of the month, probably even for 2 months. You truly expect me to be able to survive with just one suitcase?" She scoffed at that thought, even entertaining it made her laugh quietly.

Her brother ignored the slight insult as he grabbed the remote and pressed play. As the episode continued to play and his little sister continued to pack, he could not help but wonder if she still had feelings for Hoseok despite how many years has gone by since they dated. Their interactions on social media and the obvious fact that any series that had BTS featured in it brought a certain calmness in his sister's behaviour. "Do you still have feelings for Hoseok?" Anteros asked, too tired to even care how out of pocket the question was.

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