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Belamour and Blyth spotted at a restaurant - fans heard them discuss potential tour dates for Esmeralda Belamour's debut album 
New York City - USA, December 13th 2023, 2 PM

Yesterday evening the newest celebrity couple Tomeralda or Blyamour as some fans have started to call them was spotted in a restaurant in New York. The lovely couple was seen enjoying their food and time together. Some fans managed to overhear them talking about future tour plans and even a confirmation that the ex-girlfriend of the Formula One Driver Charles Leclerc will visit the Bahrain Race next year. Is this a sign that Tom and Esmeralda aren't as happy as they seem? Is Leclerc out to win his past lover back? Has the silly season officially begun?


Esmeralda let out an unladylike snort as she read the last couple of sentences of the article. The mere thought of going back to Charles was just absurd. They had ended a long time ago and she did not have the tendency to go back to her exes. The only expectation had been two years ago where she had for a while gone back to privately dating Hoseok again.

"Read something funny?" Tom asked, looking up from the script he had received in the mail a couple of days ago.
"Just E news being E news." She responded as she turned off her phone. "Is that the script for the new season of Billy the Kid?"

"Hmm? No, this is the script for another project." Tom replied before he turned his attention back to the script he was holding.

Esmeralda smiled softly as she quietly observed the handsome man she had been lucky enough to get. She had to be honest that there had been a while where she had tried to find someone through Tinder. Majority of the time it was a big let down where most of the men had acted the same towards her, all out for the same thing. There had even been articles written about her Tinder profile and the speculations wondering if it was just someone that was catfishing as her.

"I can feel you staring." Her boyfriend muttered. He gently closed the script and placed it on the coffee table as he made his way over to the couch where she was sitting.
"How could I not stare at you? You're a handsome man worth admiring. You make me wonder sometimes if you were sculpted by some divine being or something." Esmeralda answered, tilting her head to the side.

"Shh." He hushed her by placing one of his fingers against her lips. He moved his body closer to hers as he moved his lips to her ears. "You know I'm weak for praises from a beautiful woman, especially from you." He whispered. Esmeralda giggled as she lightly pushed the male away.

"Oh, how disastrous for you. What should I ever do with you?"
"You could try and fix the problems you've caused?"
"Have you packed the suitcases so they're prepared for our department to Seoul next week?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"There's a week left, my love. Besides, shouldn't you try and actually live a little in that hotel room you're supposed to reside in and not make yourself comfortable in my apartment here in Brooklyn?" Tom asked as sat down next to her on the couch.
"Eh.. Right, hotel room." She mumbled. Esmeralda had completely forgotten about the hotel, her, now fixed, hotel room, and the purpose of her so-called exile. In fact she had even forgotten the name of the hotel she was supposed to be staying at.

"You forgot about it?" Her boyfriend asked with a pretty smile. She answered with a small nod while she muttered to herself various possible hotel names.
"Shit. I don't even remember where exactly in New York City the hotel is located." She cursed. 'Damn her and her short-term memory.' She thought to herself. Beside her, Tom was laughing loudly. In his eyes, the woman was both stunning and adorable at the same time, especially with the squinted eyes and pouting lips.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me." She said as she playfully pushed him off the couch.
"It's okay. I am sure that your brother has some idea of what hotel you had checked in at. Now, do I have to worry about some secret affair next year in Bahrain?" Tom jokingly asked while he sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her.

"Secret affair?!" She scoffed at the idea of it. If there was one thing Esmeralda disliked it was cheating on a partner. In fact, one of the quickest ways of getting her to not finish a book is if it has a cheating trope in it. For her, murder in fictional books was okay but cheating and surprise pregnancies was something she just could not stand reading.

"Just text your brother the question, or even better, ask your fans what hotel you are staying at." He replied as he stood up and gently pecked her lips before he headed towards the kitchen.




Liked by tomblyth, anterosbelamour, estellelars and 9,192,832 others

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Liked by tomblyth, anterosbelamour, estellelars and 9,192,832 others

esmeraldabelamour Does anyone remember the hotel I was supposedly staying at? I am afraid Dory made a visit and now I can't seem to remember the hotel name, oops 🤪

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anterosbelamour OH FOR FUCK SAKE LITTLE SIS 😭
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esmeraldabelamour If you couldn't tell, I am 100% serious
esmeraldabelamour I think I just became blind trying to read both your caps and typos

estellelars I wish I could say that I was surprised but I am not unfortunately
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esmeraldabelamour You seem to know me more than my own brother does. Makes me happy to know my bestie is at least there for me
estellelars Quit the theatrics and get your brain cells to do their job!
esmeraldabelamour DONT bully my brain cells 😔

username GUYS I dont remember the name either-... ANYONE??
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username I don't think any gossip page ever managed to cover it did they?
username Wasn't it (hotel name)?
username It absolutely was not that name

tomblyth Omg, you are absolutely hopeless, my love. But it is fine, you are still very cute and beautiful to me
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esmeraldabelamour STOP BEING A SAP AND HELP ME PLZ
rachelzegler How the hell do you manage to forget a hotel name Esmeralda??
esmeraldabelamour IDK ASK DORY THE FISH 

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