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Waking up in an unknown room was nothing new to Esmeralda. She used to do that a lot in her past. However, waking up next to her boyfriend in his room after only a week of dating was something she was not as used to.

She rolled over to see her boyfriend sleeping peacefully next to her. His expressions were relaxed with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open where he breathed in and out. Esmeralda traced her fingers lightly over his cheek while she gently smiled at him.

"Are you going to keep staring at me, or will you give me a good morning kiss, my love?" Tom mumbled, his voice deep from just having woken up. The man opened one eye with a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he sleepily observed the beautiful woman next to him.

Esmeralda pressed her lips against his. She had not expected him to roll the two of them over so he would lean over her. The kiss in itself was far from the innocent morning kiss that she had at first intended. While it was sweet, it was also intense, with a hint of lust playing at the edge of it.

Tom was gently holding her hip with his left hand as the other one was placed next to her head to keep himself from completely laying on her.

"Now that, I would say, was a proper kiss." He whispered, his eyes staring into hers.
"I guess you do kiss like a starving man." Esmeralda mumbled as she moved her head up to kiss the British man again. Tom laughed quietly, gently shaking his head before he pecked the woman's forehead lovingly.

"Was that everything you could think about?" He asked, rolling over so that he could cuddle her easier.
"I did not manage to think about anything else but you." She answered truthfully as she enjoyed the feeling of being held by her man.
"That's good, I would hate to know if bananas were the thing occupying your thoughts." Tom jokingly said, causing the two of them to burst out into laughter.

"Oh, shut up, mon amour." Esmeralda retorted, wiggling herself out from his arms. "Stop hating on my own dislike for the fruit."

"Mi signora, I will never stop making fun of your little personal dislike for a yellow soft fruit." Tom said as he sat up to pull his woman back into his arms.

"Yellow soft fruit? You could have just said bananas." Esmeralda giggled while she tried to ignore the soft kisses her boyfriend was leaving on her neck and shoulder.

"Perhaps I could have, but then I wouldn't have been awarded the prize of hearing your beautiful laughter, now would I?" He responded between his mission of placing as many kisses on her before she decided that she wanted to leave the bed for breakfast.

"You're such a sweetheart." She said, gently placing her hand over his. In Esmeralda's opinion, this morning would probably be forever engraved into her memory as one of the best ones.

"Mhmmm. We both know you did not think of me as a sweetheart last night." He mumbled against her shoulder. Esmeralda blushed as she knew very well that despite her short-term memory, last night was something that was not easy to forget. Tom had done exactly what he had promised her in his reply to her comment a week ago. He had managed to make her speechless, unable to formulate coherent sentences while also having a hard time to truly be able to breathe properly as the drowning feeling of lust engulfed them both.

To her, Tom was like a breath of fresh air. He was to her both a gentleman and a sweetheart, but the energy and ability he had in a private space with only the two of them was something she could not describe. He was everything she needed and more.

"What do you want to have for breakfast?" Esmeralda asked as she poorly tried to divert his attention to something else than the idea of spending the day in bed with her having to start the morning with a round four.

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