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Jul 09, 2023

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Jul 09, 2023

Hi, I don't know if you saw the Monaco race, but was just wondering if you could please come and visit one of the races that are coming up after the summer break?

Jul 15, 2023

Been left on delivered for 6 days now. What happened? We used to be able to still talk to each other? Maybe you've just been too busy with your work and that's okay

Aug 05, 2023

This year has been quite shitty for me. Where are you? You know, you used to be my good luck charm

Aug 16, 2023

You can't ignore me forever. I know you are ignoring me. Your brother told me

Sep 01, 2023

Are you planning to ignore everyone?? You do know that Daniel misses you. He's not the only one either that does that.

Sep 24, 2023

Can't you just come back? Obviously we cant date each other again, but I thought we could still remain friends.

Oct 13, 2023

I am guessing you are planning to ignore my birthday too which is in 3 days. Could you stop being childish?? I know I am not blocked

Oct 16, 2023

Its my birthday and uoure not here. WHu cant you be here!? I msius you so much, I dont knwo if you can tell mut I am slightly drunk rn

Oct 17, 2023

You are kind of a shitty person for ignoring me like this. Fuck you too 🖕

Oct 19, 2023

I'm sorry, Esme. I did not mean to get angry at you, please forgive me😔

Nov 05, 2023

I heard you are in London for a movie premiere. Why did you look so flustered with that actor?

Nov 15, 2023

So you are in New York now?? What are you even doing there?

Nov 18, 2023

Oh wow, so you are going on a date with someone?

Nov 21, 2023

I knew you were trouble, especially now with all these scandals coming out from left to right.

Today 9:15 PM

I heard from Daniel that you both were at the Jimmy Fallon show together.

Hello Charles. Looking back at all these messages I truly do wonder where your loyalties lie. Here you are spamming another girl, in fact, your ex, while you are dating someone else. Can't you let me go already? It has been 3 years since we broke up, Charlie. It's time to move on.

Esmeralda. Finally you are answering.

I would had kept you on delivered if it were not for Daniel telling me to actually answer you 🙄

Fine. I'll leave you alone.

Please do, I don't go back to my exes.


Esmeralda sighed as she exited the chat between her and Charles. Don't get her wrong, he is a good person, but he is as much of a red flag as the colour he drives for. Back then he had cheated on her with Charlotte. A beautiful woman that was both fluent in French, lived in Monaco and had it easier to travel to his races. She was not surprised when he went on to date Charlotte after their break up. After all, Charles Leclerc did not do single life. In fact he despised not being in a relationship. She just wished that he would finally meet a lovely girl that he could settle down with since she could not be the one.

It has been a week of her staying in New York and her best friend was scheduled to return to the city in two days. Therefore, her recording of her new song would have to wait a couple of more days. Currently, however, she was busy with finishing reading Shatter Me, the first book in the series. If Esmeralda was going to be honest to herself it did not take long until she found herself slowly falling more and more in love with the book. Aaron Warner and his pet names for Juliette did not help either.

A message from her phone interrupted her mental daydream about her and her too many book boyfriends. It was a message from Tom asking her if she would like to hang out for the day. She could feel herself smile as she opened the message to reply with an eager yes. Esmeralda did not care that she might appear desperate or falling too fast in her steadily growing crush on the Birmingham man. After all, that was one of her flaws. She gets too attached to people and if she has a crush on someone she falls fast and hard with no way of slowing down unless the other person catches her.

She put her bookmark on the page she was currently reading before she closed it. Tom had not said very much what they would do but assuming that there would be no fancy restaurants involved, Esmeralda decided to dress casual and comfortable. It's been a week of her texting and hanging out with the actor, and unfortunately for herself, she found herself falling for the charming Birmingham man very quickly. She has not experienced this kind of feelings for a man since she used to date Hoseok.

Esmeralda hoped for her own heart and sanity that both Tom and her could walk out from her horrible idea free from any damage. In fact, her horrible idea has not even been brought up to him. She was afraid of his reaction, of what he would think of her. Despite her appearance on social media, her real self was a people pleaser. The thought of even making someone mad and disappointed at her hurt her feelings. Being a people pleaser unfortunately also had the side effect of being an overthinker.

Standing in front of the wardrobe, the young woman sighed as she picked out the clothes she wanted to wear. Imagining the male being mad at her or feeling a sense of betrayal after getting the information of what she wanted to do, made her almost want to run to the bed to grab her phone and cancel the friendly date. If there was one thing Esmeralda loved to do, it was to procrastinate, be it meetings, projects, or essays. It did not matter, she would procrastinate if the opportunity was there.

"One hour left." She mumbled to herself as she did her makeup. One hour left until she had to face the terrible music of anger and disappointment. Well, that was at least one of the fifteen different scenarios she had managed to imagine as she stared into the mirror. Afterglow by Taylor Swift was the song she felt she could relate the most to, especially when it came to overthinking everything in relationships.

"Funny. You're not even dating him yet. Get a grip, Esmeralda. Stop being such a pathetic girl. No one likes a desperate woman." She scoffed as she verbally talked down on herself. Esmeralda had that tendency where one moment she would be all fine and happy, a perfectly friendly woman that loved herself, and another moment she would let her own mind play tricks on her. Tricks where she would find flaws in everything she did, hate herself to the point where hater's comments did not even bother her, and ruin every good friendship and relationship that she has.

If there was one thing Esmeralda was self aware of, it was that her privileged self was a toxic red flag, with sprinkles of yellow dots on it. Perhaps, that was why she had refused to even entertain the idea of dating someone after her relationship with Charles. It takes two to tango, after all. 

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