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"I think I want to step away from my role as the CEO." Esmeralda blurted out. She was currently having a family meeting through Facetime and both her parents and brother looked at her with shocked expressions.

"You want to do what?" Her father, Pollux asked. His voice was stern and serious yet she still knew that he would always have her back.
"I want to retire from my role as the CEO." She repeated.

"That is not a rash decision that you cannot just go through with, my daughter." Danyi, her mother, stated. "Therefore, you better have thought about this for a long time and not just suddenly have decided this because one of your projects failed due to poor management and communication." She continued. By her mother's reaction, you would think it was her that used to be the former CEO and not her father.

Esmeralda rubbed her forehead as she sighed. She knew she should not have just blurted it out but she had thought about it for a while. In fact she did not truly know why she even accepted the role back in 2019 when her father had named her his successor.

"I have thought about this for a while, despite what you all have been led to believe. I believe with the fullest of my heart that Anteros would be able to handle being the CEO of the whole company and not just a part of it. Out of the two of us, he's the better one with both leading projects, communicating, and keeping track of all the data and numbers that come in on a daily basis." Esmeralda explained as she took a sip from her water. "Besides, I wish to fully devote myself into the entertainment circles as both an actress and model."

"That's a wonderful little sis. In fact I am happy to hear that you are starting to decide on what kind of career path you would actually want to continue with. By New Years I would have actually asked you to either step up as a CEO with all your time and energy or continue as an actress and model." Anteros said as he stared at her through the screen. There was a reason after all to why her brother was barely modelling for other fashion brands since his role as a CEO was something he prioritised and put all his time in to make sure he had it secured.

"Don't get us wrong, my little emerald, we just want what is best for you despite you being a fully grown adult." Her father said. "If you want to step down, then that is alright with us. All of us know that Anteros can handle the company by himself. Don't be afraid to do what you think is best for yourself. We will support you no matter what as long as the decisions can be justified and explained." Pollux continued, moving his hand as if he wished to cup her cheek in the way he used to do back when she was still a child.

Her mother nodded, her displeasure quite visible through the way her eyes held a cold undertone and her lips pressed together to form a thin line. Esmeralda had predicted that her mother would react like this. Despite her mother having married herself into the prestigious and rich house of Belamour, it was always her that used to disapprove of her love interests. Especially since most of them used to be from poor to middle class backgrounds and have turned themselves into self-made wealthy people.

Her father and his side of the family never disapproved of anything as they too were well aware of the gilded cage they all lived in. A gilded cage where love was a luxury that they could not buy. Danyi, however, was in Esmeralda's opinion a little raven who's only priority was to ensure that her daughter would eventually marry herself into another wealthy family with a long-lasting history.

Anteros, her beloved older brother, was someone that she considered her first best friend. Throughout their childhood it was always them against the world. No matter where they went it was always the two of them until she finally befriended Estelle. Therefore, she knew that he would do whatever it takes to ensure that she would live as happily as she could.

"Just inform me when you plan to announce your decision to the world so that I can properly take on the role and make sure the team that deals with official announcements are able to make the transition into a smooth one." Her brother said with a gentle smile.

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