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"What was your name again?" Danyi asked Tom. Esmeralda sighed. She knew her mother well enough to understand that she had already made up her mind about him.

"Tom Blyth, ma'am." Her boyfriend responded politely although she could tell that he too was starting to lose his patience with her mother.

"And tell me, Tom Blyth, what is your career?" Esmeralda's mother continued to ask with a voice that told the rest of the family that she disapproved of the man. "I mean, do not get me wrong, my boy, but I just can't seem to remember seeing you at any important events."

Esmeralda clenched her hands under the table, her teeth grinding slowly. Her mother was starting to piss her off and she knew that if her father did not intervene soon, her manners would soon leave the table.

"I am an actor, ma'am. I have been an actor for quite some time." The British man answered. She could see him staring at her mother with cold eyes and a small smile that was far from genuine.

"Oh, you must not be a good actor then if you have not appeared yet at the Golden Globe or even the Academy Awards event."

"That is enough mother!" Esmeralda stood up from the chair, pushing it back as she put her hands on the table.

"You do not yell at me Esmeralda Miso Belamour. You will keep your manners and hold yourself to the etiquette that is expected of you." Danyi said coldly, her honey-brown eyes staring into her daughter's furious ones.

"I will not follow the etiquette rules and manners I was taught as a child when you sit here insulting and belittling my boyfriend. You are stepping over the line." She angrily responded.

"That's enough! Both of you will sit down again and calmly eat the dinner or lord help me I will send you both to bed without food!" Pollux slammed his hand on the table, catching both of the women's attention.
"We have a guest here and you will not act like uncouth women in front of him. I strongly advise you both to avoid creating further drama and fights or neither of you will like the consequences. Understood?" He continued. "I asked if you both understood."
The two women nodded reluctantly. Both of them knew that while Pollux was fair and kind, he was not someone to cross when he was angry and annoyed.

"Good." Pollux said. The silence that followed was deafening and heavy. The only sound that echoed in the room was the clinkering sound from the utensils and the light footsteps from the servants.

"Father, do you have any knowledge about who will be at the ball from our family?" Anteros asked quietly. His voice was barely louder than a whisper. The scene and the question reminded Esmeralda of a memory she had willingly forgotten about. A memory that she did not want to remember.

"Your grandparents from both sides will attend as usual. My brother and his family will also attend together with your mother's sister. Your cousin Junsun will also attend. I do also believe that some of your great-aunts and uncles will be there too." Pollux answered. It was clear that her father's mood had been ruined and that the only thing that would be able to bring it back would be a good night's sleep away from her mother.


"What a lovely mother you have, my love." Tom sarcastically commented. The two of them were laying on the bed in Esmeralda's old room. The walls were covered in royal blue paint with a few paintings hanging here and there in the room. The king-sized bed was placed against one of the long walls with two nightstands standing on each side.

"Oh, yeah. She's absolutely lovely." She rolled her eyes. Her mother and the word lovely was something she likes to compare to water and oil. They simply did not go well with each other. Her mother was like hydrophobic oil in her mind while the word lovely was more like water.

"Is she always like that?" Esmeralda turned her head to look at her handsome boyfriend. She did not say anything as she raised her eyebrow at him.
"Believe me or not, but that was actually her being tame. While I don't approve of her behaviour and attitude she had towards you at the dinner, I will need to admit that she was very tame." She sighed.
"Well, then I will thank the lord that you never adopted her behaviour and personality." Tom said with relief in his voice, causing Esmeralda to softly laugh.

"Yeah, thank heaven for that."




Liked by polluxbelamour, anterosbelamour, estellelars and 6,019,821 others

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Liked by polluxbelamour, anterosbelamour, estellelars and 6,019,821 others

esmeraldabelamour I wish you all a goodnight 🥰

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anterosbelamour I personally believe that this picture was probably not supposed to end up on this account. 
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esmeraldabelamour Well, it probably wasn't but it is what it is
polluxbelamour Don't let your mother see this. I wish to at least go through one Christmas without any family drama 😃
anterosbelamour I put all the blame on mother and her side when it comes to the family drama 🫠

tomblyth When you said you would post the picture, I thought it would be on your finsta tbh 
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esmeraldabelamour Please, that is almost naïve of you. Darling, some people need to be fed with the spicy stuff
tomblyth What's next, our sex tape? 🙄
esmeraldabelamour We got a sex tape? Since when???

estellelars I need bleach, omg!!!! 🥲 
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esmeraldabelamour The only bleach you will be getting is hair bleach
estellelars Ouch. Anyway, that reminds me since silly season is here, let me spill some tea for you!
esmeraldabelamour YOU'VE GOT TEA??? OMG SPILL BESTIE

username I want to thank Esmeralda for feeding us this beautiful picture 🤭 
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username Ngl I don't care about the shirtless bedroom pics etc. I just want their sex tape 😩
username I can take them both (not in a fight)
username Y'all horny mfs scare me 🥲 What do you mean you want to see their sex tape????

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