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Three days have passed since the movie "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" premiered in New York and if Esmeralda was going to be honest she was starting to become bored.

With no project to do and no movies or series to work on until she comes back to Seoul had made her busy schedule into an almost empty one.

Due to the now almost empty schedule, she was free to do almost anything at any time. However, her friends did not have the same luxury. Estelle was away in Los Angeles recording her new album before she could fly to New York to film the music videos for some of the songs. Taylor was busy with her Eras tour and would not be back in New York until two weeks later when they could finally have that awaited meet-up.

She had no clue what Olivia was doing at the moment, however, what she did know was that the young singer had returned to California.

Esmeralda sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. 'Should I do it? What if my message gets lost in the requests? Or what if he's busy?' She thought to herself, thinking of every kind of negative scenario she could imagine.

"Maybe I should try and answer Charlie's messages instead." She mumbled to herself as she held the phone in the air. "Oh, stop being a coward, Esmeralda."

She decided to do something impulsive. Esmeralda opened Instagram and quickly entered the username she was looking for. As she was directed towards his account the message button showed up in front of her eyes. Deciding that there was no time but the present, she clicked on the button before she could manage to talk herself out of it.

"What should I write?" She asked herself. A simple hi could have probably worked, but Esmeralda knew from experience that just writing a hello usually led to a conversation that would end up dead and boring before she could say quidditch.


Today, 11:17 AM

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Today, 11:17 AM

Hellu 🤭
You wouldn't happen to be free today?
Wanna meet up and have some lunch together?


As she was about to exit the chat and turn off her phone, the text "Seen" showed up under her messages. In panic, Esmeralda threw her phone away from her, resulting in the phone landing on the floor with a loud thud.

Laying on her bed, she suddenly came to the realisation that her phone would still have the chat opened, leaving him unintentionally left on "seen." She got up from the bed to pick up her phone. The screen displayed the open chat between her and Tom.



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