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Fans worried about Esmeralda Belamour

Esmeralda Belamour posted yesterday on Instagram a photo of herself with a caption and disabled the comment section worrying her fans.
NOV 20, 2023 12:30 PM TAGS V

To this day, Esmeralda Belamour will remain as one of the most famous people in the world, especially considering the family she hails from

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To this day, Esmeralda Belamour will remain as one of the most famous people in the world, especially considering the family she hails from. As a daughter to the famous Belamour family, she has been in the spotlight since the day she was born into the world. Considering the fact that her mother also happens to be the world famous opera singer Kim Danyi, fame was bound to follow her.
Yesterday, notifications all around the world went off with the banner esmeraldabelamour just made a post, causing millions of people to see a photo of her looking tired and sad with the caption "you always have to go and ruin things 🐍".
The famous actress has not yet made any hints to what her post meant, but what we do know is that she currently has thousands of people worried about her.
Is this going to be the downfall of the world's it girl? Will she be another to succumb to the tempting arms of pills and cigars?
More information might be revealed on Wednesday due to her scheduled appearance on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.


Esmeralda threw her phone across the room after she finished reading the latest article that was posted on E News. In fact, plenty of news articles had been posted about her latest Instagram post. She was tired of it all.

Her phone had been going off the whole day with messages flooding her notification bar from friends, family, and strangers, asking her if she was okay. Her mother's text had sent her on a warpath on finding something to destroy.
"Fuck her and her annoying fame seeking nose." She angrily mumbled to herself as she threw the pillow against the empty wall.

Of course her mother had been able to see all the news articles floating around that her latest message that had been sent was to remind Esmeralda of her public image and to not tarnish the family name.

She scoffed to herself as she looked at the mess she had created during her rage and frustration. The way everyone was acting had started to seriously piss her off. There had even been people begging her all over social media to not resort to drugs and that they did not solve anything.

"They're all acting as if I was already planning to do drugs or jump off a cliff." She muttered as she fell down on the floor. All around her laid thrown clothes and pillows among an empty bottle of wine that had accidently been smashed by one of the pillows she had thrown against the wall earlier.

Her phone's screen had small cracks after all the times it had been thrown around or dropped. Not to mention the slow performance of it due to her notifications always rolling in no matter how much she tried to ensure only selected notifications would go through.

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