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"Sometimes, I wake up by the door, that heart you caught must be waitin' for you. Even now, when we're already over, I can't help myself from lookin' for you." Esmeralda sang as she looked through the mini bar that stood in the hallway. She grabbed the mini bag of Doritos and the coca cola bottle, walking back to the couch where her laptop was placed. The screen displayed an open pdf file that contained the script for the Netflix series she wanted to audition for.

It was Wednesday morning already and her unfinished project had successfully been transferred over to her brother. She usually does not let a project fail as easily as she did with this one, but her patience and energy could only do so much before her pessimistic view became reflected through the work.

Anteros had sent her a message an hour after she had woken up with the news that he now has officially taken over the project and that he would change it instead to better suit his own department that had to do with hospitality mixed with the little bit of fashion she had managed to salvage.

As Esmeralda read through the script of Doona she could not help but want to take up this role. When she noticed that it was based on a webtoon she quickly opened another tab. A few minutes later, she went onto Naver webtoon to read the webtoon. Her interest in the character increased as Lee Doona became more and more appealing. Two hours had passed as Esmeralda finished reading the webtoon, the bag of Doritos already empty next to her. As she thought about the webtoon she had recently read, her decision had been made. She would accept the role as Lee Doona, especially if her audition also goes well.

The screen on her phone turned on as she received a new message.

'Hello, Ms. Belamour. This is Mrs. Carlsen...' The notification read, making her unlock the screen to continue reading the message. 'I believe Madame Eyra mentioned me to you yesterday. Could you be kind enough to tell the lady in the lobby to send me up so we can get you ready for the premiere?'

"Oh, fuck. The premiere." Esmeralda mumbled to herself. She had completely forgotten about both the movie premiere and the fact that Mrs. Carlsen was supposed to help her prepare for today's afternoon.

She dialled the lobby number on the phone. A kind voice greeted her as the woman asked what she could do for her.

"Could you send up a woman named Mrs. Carlsen to my room?"

"Certainly, Miss Belamour. I'll send her right away." Esmeralda thanked the lady before she ended the call.

She hastily ran her hand through her hair as she observed the mess she had made. She walked quickly through the room and grabbed the bin to throw away all the crumpled papers and the empty Doritos bag. The clothes that were on the couch were quickly folded and just as she was about to pull up the blinds a knock on the door sounded through the room.

She tried to fix her appearance as she walked towards the hallway. After deeming her appearance alright she opened the door for the other woman. She was shorter than her with blonde hair, brown eyes and a plump body figure. There was no denying that the woman in front of her was beautiful with her warm eyes and the confident way she carried herself.

"Good afternoon Miss Belamour." Mrs. Carlsen greeted as she stepped into the room with a small suitcase rolling behind her. "We have a lot to do for the next 4 hours so there's no time but the present." She continued as she grabbed Esmeralda's hand, leading her towards the middle of the room while humming to herself.

The shorter woman grabbed one of the chairs that stood in the room and placed it next to Esmeralda.

Instructing Esmeralda to sit, Mrs. Carlsen took charge. Hair, dress, makeup—each step was meticulously addressed, and three hours and forty-five minutes later, Esmeralda stood ready for the premiere, adorned in a stunning look crafted by Mrs. Carlsen.

"Ma belle, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Mrs. Carlsen exclaimed, and Esmeralda couldn't help but smile. Penelope, as she revealed her name, had worked wonders on both hair and makeup in the limited time.

"Come now, little princess," Penelope said, ushering Esmeralda toward the door. "The limo is waiting outside."

Double take | T. BlythWhere stories live. Discover now