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"Welcome to my PowerPoint night. I will be talking about Reasons to why my hatred for bananas is valid." Esmeralda said as she stood in Tom's living room, her computer connected to his TV.
Her boyfriend was currently sitting on his couch in front of her while trying to keep himself from laughing.

"To start off, bananas are a fruit that some people can not stand the texture of." She pressed the keyboard to make the next slide appear, which was just a photo she had edited for the purpose of the PowerPoint. A photo of her at a gourmet buffet with a disgusted look thrown towards the banana that had been placed on a plate in front of her.

"Secondly," she continued. "The fruit has a weird flavour that just leaves a bad aftertaste." The other slide had a picture of B1 and B2, causing Tom to burst out laughing.

"What does B1 and B2 have to do with this?" He asked between his laughter. Esmeralda smiled as she patiently waited for her boyfriend to calm down.

"They are featured in this PowerPoint because they're the only acceptable bananas." She explained in what was supposed to be a serious voice.

Tom laughed as he stood up from the couch and walked over to where she stood. He embraced her into a hug, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'll accept your disdain for bananas, my love. Your PowerPoint will get an A+ from me for your hard work." He said fondly.
The couple smiled at each other, content with just enjoying the presence of the other.

"How nice of you to approve of my dislike for bananas and noticing all the hard work that I've put into this lovely PowerPoint." Esmeralda responded, standing on her tiptoes to steal a kiss from her boyfriend.

The woman placed her arms around his neck as her boyfriend lifted her up. His hands firmly held her thighs as he walked them both towards the couch. He gently placed her down as he trapped her between his body and the couch. Tom pressed his lips against hers, his hand gently grabbing her jaw with his knee placed between her legs to support himself.

If there was one thing Esmeralda was sure of, it was that the British man definitely knew how to kiss someone.

The two of them stopped to catch their breath. Brown eyes locked eyes with blue eyes, neither taking their eyes off each other, curious to see who would yield first.

Esmeralda briefly looked away, not being able to handle the intense look Tom was currently holding in his eyes.
"Bedroom." She whispered quietly, knowing that her boyfriend could hear her loud and clear with how close they were.

The man said nothing as he picked her up in bridal style, carrying his beloved girlfriend towards his bedroom with ease.

No one would be able to meet either person for the rest of the evening, nor the morning after. Both were currently occupied with relearning each other with heated kisses and burning touches.




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