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Esmeralda and Junsun are rumoured to be dating!
Is Esmeralda cheating on the British actor Tom Blyth? Recent photos from the Christmas Ball hint towards that.

Charles Leclerc finally speaks out about the rocky relationship he had with the young Belamour woman!
"I was never her first priority." The young driver says with disappointed eyes.

Reasons why Jung Hoseok wasn't at the famous ball
Here are five reasons why fans weren't able to see him attend the ball:

The Ball of the Year!

Hermés, Lanvin, Chanel, and Prada were only a few brands that celebrities wore at the famous ball well-known for its scandals and gossip. Here are a few outfits that definitely won the best ball outfit of the year.

Us Weekly: 
Larsen and Chalamet are now official?  
Yesterday evening at the famous Belamour Christmas Ball, the two celebrities Estelle Larsen and Timothée Chalamet confirmed to everyone who asked that they are officially dating.  
"No more situation ships for me," Larsen stated with a big smile on her lips as she continued to hold hands with the American actor.


Esmeralda had woken up relatively late. Her clothes had been scattered all over the room together with Tom's. She looked to the side and noticed her boyfriend's naked back. The few memories of yesterday evening were blurry to her. She did not remember much, however, what she did remember was the make-up sex she had with her boyfriend. In Esmeralda's defence, she had not meant to make Tom jealous on purpose, especially not with her cousin.

"Good morning." Her boyfriend rolled over to look at her with a soft smile that told her that she had been forgiven.

"Good morning." She replied, placing a soft kiss on his lips before she pulled away to grab some clothes.
"What time is it?" Esmeralda shrugged. She had no idea what time it was nor had she been able to check. The woman had no clue on where she had put her phone.
"Probably 10 AM if I were to guess. Could be noon if we are unlucky."

She walked over to her wardrobe while she let her man continue to relax on the bed. After thinking of what to wear, Esmeralda decided to just put on some underwear, a band shirt and some mini-shorts.

"Is the Christmas Ball always like that?" Tom asked from the bed. He had turned to lay on his back with his arms behind his head.
"Fill with dressed up people, gossiping ladies, and drama with the occasional "make one's partner jealous"? Because if that was the answer you were looking for then yes it is."

"Mhmm. Interesting."
Esmeralda did not respond, instead, she threw one of her brother's shirts at him. She did not know why she had some of Anteros' shirts in her wardrobe but this time she was grateful for that. She did not know what she would do if she had to walk to her brother's room and ask him if he could lend her one of his shirts to her.

"Get dressed, love. It's either breakfast time or lunchtime. Fair warning though, be prepared for a full dining hall. Some of our guests have been staying over."


"Put on the shirt and some pants, perhaps your boxers too and you'll be presentable enough to eat breakie with the others." She repeated before she walked out of her room and headed towards her brother's to ask him something.

Esmeralda wondered as she walked towards Anteros' room whether she had accidentally managed to ruin the building relationship she had with Tom or if she had managed to make it stronger.
"Anteros, wake up!" She shouted through his door, banging on it in the hope of waking her brother up.

"Shut up!" He yelled from what she suspected was his bed. The door was yanked open with her brother standing half-naked in front of her.
"Ew. Please get dressed before you open the door next time." Esmeralda muttered as she scrunched her nose.

"First of all, I wouldn't even want to be naked in front of you. Second of all what do you want? And lastly, do you know the amount of drama you have caused in the tabloids?" Her brother asked.

"What drama? What tabloids?" She asked as she pushed her way into Anteros' room.

"Dispatch and Enews are only a few that have name-dropped you in their articles about yesterday's event. Not only are you in a scandalous cheating rumour with our cousin but you are also being lit on fire by Leclerc's die-hard fans that never liked you. Your best friend, Estelle, apparently also decided to confirm that she's dating Timothée Chalamet." Anteros explained as he closed the door behind them.
"Mother has been going on about these articles since eight o'clock and is very proud of all of us that have had articles written about. Not only did all eyes turn to our Ball, but now these rumours will allow our mother to stay in the spotlight for a little bit longer than usual." He continued.

"Estelle is dating who?" Esmeralda asked, shocked about what her brother told her. Do not get her wrong, she was quite surprised about most of what her brother was telling her.
"Do some damage control, Esme. All I am asking of you is to do some damage control while also covering up all these hickeys you have around your neck and collar bones."

Anteros pinched his nose before he grabbed his phone and took a picture of her. He showed her the photo that showcased the hickeys he was talking about.
"Oh fuck." She muttered to herself.

"Oh fuck indeed lil sis. Now get your ass out of my room and eat some breakfast with your boyfriend. Lucky for you, most of our guests have already returned to their rooms so the dining room should be practically empty save from some of our butlers and maids."

Esmeralda did not have to be told twice before she decided to walk out of his room and head back to her own. Tom had apparently been waiting for her because he was currently leaning against the wall next to her door with his left hand in his pocket while the other hand held his phone.

"Shall we head to the dining room?" Esmeralda asked after she had walked closer to her boyfriend. Her question made him put his phone in his pocket before he glanced up with a strained smile. She suspected that he had most likely already managed to read some of the articles that were about her. Esmeralda did not say anything else, instead, she decided to just grab his free hand and lead him down the hall. 

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