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"Miso." A deep voice said behind Esmeralda, causing her to turn around. Behind her stood her favourite cousin, Junsun.
"Sunnie!" She exclaimed as she threw herself at him. The black-haired woman hugged her cousin tightly as she inhaled his scent.

The subtle scent of chocolate and forest. Esmeralda did not care about what others, who did not know of their relationship, thought about the interaction they were having. The two cousins had always had a tight bond with each other, which was impossible to break. To her, Junsun was her sun and life-support. It was always him and her brother that was there for her every time things went south.

"Hello, Miso." Her cousin smiled at her before it faltered as he turned to look at her boyfriend. "Care to introduce me to this, gentleman?"
Esmeralda giggled at her cousin's behaviour. She was well aware that this was his protective side asking.

"This is Tom, my boyfriend. We have been dating for some time now. Tom, this is my favourite cousin, Junsun." She introduced the two men while trying to ignore their attempts at assessing each other to see whether they were a threat or not.

"And what is for some time now, for you Esmeralda?" Junsun asked, raising an eyebrow at the beautiful woman.
"A month." She mumbled. Esmeralda tried to make sure that her cousin would not be able to hear her answer. She could already imagine the tantrum her cousin would throw if he was able to hear her reply.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you say a month?" Junsun asked, leaning closer to her. "I guess I did hear correctly. Silence can say a thousand words sometimes."
"Sunnie, don't." Esmeralda whispered. She knew what was about to come.

"Does he know?" He tilted his head towards the place where Tom stood. "Does he know that he needs to be engaged to you before the summer solstice next year if he wants to continue to be with you?"
She looked down at the floor, ignoring the heavy feeling of just wanting to cry.
"Please don't, Junsun." She sounded defeated even to her own ears.

"Don't get me wrong, Miso. I'm happy for you, but you know how your mother, my aunt, is. If she doesn't get the news of an engagement by the summer solstice next year and the news of a wedding by next year's winter solstice, she will do anything she can to make sure that you will never be allowed to date him again." Junsun grabbed her hands and delicately traced his thumbs over hers. "I know that I don't need to remind you of what happened between you and Hoseok."

Esmeralda gently removed her hands from her cousin's as she thought back to the year where Hoseok was hers. To that final year where he was hers just as much as she was his. Hoseok would forever be her what if, her "in another life" person, and her right person but wrong time. Back then, Jung Hoseok had been her everything.

"I can't do this again, Junsun." Esmeralda mumbled as she felt the first tear fall.
"Oh, sweetie." Her cousin wiped the tear away with his thumb before he pulled her into a hug. "Our family is dysfunctional, but in the end, family is all we've got."

"I don't know what I would have done without you, Sunnie."
"You'd probably been a miserable and bitter woman with no sign of joy in her body. By the way, did you notice the way your best friend Estelle seemed to gravitate towards Timothée?" Esmeralda chuckled as she imagined herself as a miserable woman. She looked at her cousin with wide eyes after his last sentence was processed.

"Estelle and Timothée?! I thought she fancied my brother!" She exclaimed.
Junsun let out a laugh.

"Anteros and Estelle would not work together no matter how much you would want it to. Now, if you excuse me, I think I've spent enough time with you. I can literally feel the jealousy steaming from your boyfriend."

She looked to the side where her boyfriend was standing. Her cousin had been right. Tom was currently staring at them with cold eyes and a facial expression that showed that he was far from being amused by her closeness to her cousin.

"From a scale to one to ten, how fucked do you think I am?" Esmeralda quickly asked as she untangled herself from her cousin.
"Ten, no questions asked. He looks just about ready to murder me, Miso. If you go now, you might be able to kiss and make up with him." Junsun replied, pushing her towards Tom before he walked the other way.



Liked by anterosbelamour, junsunsun, starlarsen, and 120 others

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Liked by anterosbelamour, junsunsun, starlarsen, and 120 others

misoamour Am I the problem? Pretty pink ribbons 🤧

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junsunsun Its a family trait. Wouldn't be a dysfunctional family if you are not the problem
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misoamour I owe my misbehaviour to you
junsunsun Are you saying I'm a bad influence?
anterosbelamour You are a bad influence on my sister!

starlarsen IT WAS YOU GUYS I HEARD?!
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misoamour You didn't hear shit
↪ starlarsen I HEARD WHAT I HEARD
misoamour You didn't hear anything. Get your hearing checked, girl 🤡

tkeirb At this point I might just tie you to the bed.
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misoamour You wouldn't
tkeirb I would, and we both know it. Have you not tested my patience enough already, my pretty girl?
misoamour IM YOUR PRETTY GIRL???🥹🥹🥹

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misoamour I thought you agreed on the terms that we don't comment on the shit I post on my finsta?🫠😔
misoamour HAHHAHAH NEVAH!!

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