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Esmeralda rubbed her eyes tiredly as she stood in her best friend's recording booth. It was currently 5 PM and she had been recording her album for the past eight hours.

Estelle had arrived back in New York a couple of days ago with baggage filled with irritation. Her friend had been rightfully pissed at being left in the dark about her love life while she was away in Los Angeles. The one hour planned meeting that they had when she came back quickly turned into a two hours long lunch. Her friend could really express her annoyance when she wished to.

"One more song, Esme. Then you're done." Estelle told her as she pressed the button that ensured that her voice would be heard in Esmeralda's headphones.

Esmeralda gave her thumbs up before she started to sing her last song for the album. While she continued to sing, she could not help but also think about her boyfriend. The boyfriend that was currently hanging out with his friends from his recently released movie.

"Great job, Ms. Belamour." The producer said, signalling for her to step out from the recording booth.
She walked out from the booth to see the beaming smile of her friend.

"That was amazing! The album will be a hit." Estelle exclaimed, pulling the dark-haired woman into a hug.
"You think so?" Esmeralda asked, tightening the hug.

"Uh huh! It will be great. On another note, you better invite Tom as your plus one to my listening party." Her friend said as she pulled away from the hug.

Esmeralda just nodded before she walked towards the couch to be able to listen to her songs.
The producer hit play as the three people in the room patiently listened to each song that would be put on her new album.
There was one song she had sent to Namjoon, a year ago, with the question if he would want to collaborate on it. Due to her friendship with both him and the rest of the members of the group he was in, he had quickly agreed.

Winter Flower, had not been able to be released yet due to her own misgivings of being able to produce an album at the same time where she would be able to put the song on it. Of course she knew she could have released it as a single but to her it did not feel right. Therefore, with the approval of Namjoon the song would finally be able to be released with the rest of her songs.

"So, tell me about him?" Estelle asked quietly as the producer fixed the small problems in the songs.
"Well, he's a gentleman, that's for sure. He's kind, gentle, funny and really great to be around. Tom makes me happy." Esmeralda answered, smiling at the mere thought of being able to meet him again tonight.

"We all knew that already, girlie. Get to the juicy details. Don't starve your best friend from knowing the real deal. If you know what I mean?" Her friend said, wiggling her eyebrows and softly nudging her side. Esmeralda snorted as she gently pushed her friend off of her.

"He definitely kisses like he's been starved for years and his touch can be both soft and rough. That's all I'm saying." She replied, her cheeks slowly gaining a pink hue.
Tom was starting to make her feel like a young teenager in love, something that only Hoseok once was able to do.

"Olalala, get it bestie!"
"What's going on between my brother and you, Elle? Don't pretend I'm not able to see how you both keep interacting with each other under my posts." Esmeralda asked, curious to hear what her best friend's answer would be.

"It's complicated. I don't know if I am willing to date a man that lives in South Korea. Not because it's a bad country but mostly because of the huge time zones and also due to the fact that he could literally have any girl in the world!"

Esmeralda let out an undignified snort as she listened to her friend's reasoning.
"Worst answer either. But since I'm nice and I honestly ship you guys, I'm going to be a nice friend and sister. Anteros likes you. It's quite obvious. Besides, if you're worried about his career and flexibility to move around, you're as wrong as you can get." She replied in a serious tone.

"Our family company is not stuck in one place. The head office has been located in England, Spain, France, Italy, USA, Canada, China, and more countries in previous years. Anteros would have no problem moving the company back to the States if that's what you wished for. In fact, if you're willing to jump the gun, you know, take the risk with him, you'll quickly see my brother move away from Seoul." Esmeralda continued to explain.

She, herself, had already planned to move to New York City to be closer to Tom after New Year. She would also be able to be much closer to her friends that lived and resided in the States. She knew her other friends in South Korea would understand and support her.

"What about your parents then?"
"Mother and father would most likely continue to live in Seoul, just like my grandparents continue to live in Rome. Anteros would probably hand the Korean Branch over to Kim Junsan, our most trusted cousin. Quite frankly I don't see what's stopping you."

Esmeralda could hear the soft sigh that her friend let out. Estelle was probably thinking about the information she had just given her.

"Everything seems like it should be now. We'll book you in next time for a photoshoot and music video recordings next week. You're allowed to post on your instagram that your album has been finished and you can reveal your titles but more than that would be advised against." The producer said, looking up from his phone. Esmeralda assumed that he had just finished reading the message someone from the higher ups had sent.

She sent him a thumbs up, standing up from the couch to give him a handshake before she left the studio with Estelle walking next to her.




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Liked by estellelars, anterosbelamour, taylorswift and 8,109, 042 others

esmeraldabelamour I don't believe in fairytales but I believe in you and me. [Coming soon]

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estellelars The album is going to be lit!😩
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anterosbelamour Sell me the titles to me will you Elle?
esmeraldabelamour She will not do any of that!
estellelars A trip to New York and I'll consider it.

tomblyth Me and you? Me and you.
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esmeraldabelamour Take me to wonderland
tomblyth I could do that, but only if you hold that PowerPoint presentation about your so called valid hatred for bananas 😉
esmeraldabelamour I'll show you mine if you show me yours ^_^

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esmeraldabelamour Wait a minute how do you know that title?!
taylorswift Estelle told me. Ahhhh I'm so excited
esmeraldabelamour I didn't even know you guys were friends!

username Am I the only one that thinks she should have stayed as far away from Tom? She'll only ruin him.
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username I know right. People ignoring the fact that she ruined every person she has ever dated are blind
tomblyth She can gladly ruin me then. Although perhaps you should start dating someone before you start talking smack about other people's relationships 🙄
esmeraldabelamour Don't entertain their useless yapping, Tom. It's all bark and no bite.

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