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"Have you packed everything you need?" Esmeralda asked as she sat on the floor in front of her suitcase while mentally doing a check on everything.

"Mhmm, I did it yesterday, and yes I have triple-checked to make sure everything that I will need is in the suitcase. I have also ensured that my passport and flight ticket won't be forgotten in the apartment." Tom responded from the bed he was sitting on.

The woman made a slight nod to indicate that she was listening to what he was saying. After making sure that she was happy with her packing, Esmeralda closed her suitcase.

There were only six days left until her mother's famous Christmas Ball and Danyi had demanded that Esmeralda were to return to Seoul a few days before the event with her boyfriend. Her mother had already sent her the guest list in the hope of trying to convince her to break up with Tom and find another suitable bachelor on that list.

"Was it a direct flight to Seoul or are we doing a switch somewhere in Europe?" Tom asked which caused her to let out a snort. Do not get her wrong, it was a valid question but she was a Belamour. They have their own private jet that flies them to places they need to be at. In fact, Esmeralda could not remember a time where she ever had to take a public flight.

"It's a direct flight from Teterboro Airport to Incheon Airport." Esmeralda answered. "My dear mother," She continued with a heavy sarcastic tone. "has ordered one of our private chauffeurs to pick us up from the airport after we have landed to drive us to the family house where the ball will be hosted."

"How big is the house even if the ball is supposed to be hosted there? I have seen the guest list, love. There are at least 200 people invited, if not more." Tom inquired.
"It's not that big. You should see the family house my family has in Italy. Now that is a big mansion." She shrugged as she stood up from the floor.

"I feel like I am living through a scene from Crazy Rich Asian." Her boyfriend mumbled to himself. Esmeralda laughed as she gently pecked his lips.
"More like you are currently experiencing how it is to date a rich privileged person who bears a family name known to have been associated and intermarried with many now famous people." She responded.

"Oh, how wonderful." Tom muttered. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. "At what time do we have to be there?"

"Well, we need to take an uber towards the airport but before that we need to take a trip to the hotel I haven't stayed in since we started dating so that I can pack the rest of my suitcases."

"Why would you need more than one suitcase?" He wondered, ignoring the expression his girlfriend was currently making.

"Did I not mention a few days ago about my upcoming plans? First, the Christmas ball hosted by my family. Secondly, the New Years celebration here in New York. Thirdly, the filming of the new series I am starring in is in Seoul. And lastly, the permanent move to New York once I've managed to find a suitable apartment." Esmeralda explained, counting the four points down by putting each finger down.

"Sounds like a lot. About the move, you could just move in with me, you know? You already seem to have started doing that." Tom replied with a sheepish smile.

"Well, aren't you adorable, darling? Unfortunately, buying myself an apartment here in New York is more of a back-up plan in case everything else fails."

Tom let out a laugh as he continued to listen to the nonsense his girlfriend was telling him. In fact during the past hour, Esmeralda had finally given him a bigger insight to the privileged woman he was dating. First, it was the discussion about the private jet, then it was the matter of how she could most likely just snap her fingers and a new apartment would be signed under her name, and now it was the matter of having back-up plans from A to Z.

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