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"It's hard not to stereotype y'all when the majority act like scumbags. Nevermind me, all I'll say though is fuck men and fuck their indecency." Esmeralda hummed to herself while she stood by the stove trying to cook herself some noodles.

While the woman had managed to date the Birmingham man, who is one of the sweetest and gentlest men she's ever met, for almost a month, she still could not help but think that some men she had met before were mostly fuckboys hunting for easy girls.

"Should I say ouch?" Tom asked behind her. The man had managed to sneak up on her. Her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist as he put his chin on her shoulder.
"If the shoe fits, baby." She responded nonchalantly.

"I guess I'm not saying ouch then." He nodded to himself. "Are you writing more songs for a new album?"

"I haven't really thought about it yet. Oh, by the way, I've got an excellent idea that we could do together." Esmeralda said excitedly as she turned around.

"Oh oh, I don't think I wanna know." Tom responded jokingly, removing his arms from her as he took a step back. The Belamour woman raised an eyebrow towards the male while she crossed her arms.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"I just mean that your ideas can be quite... out of pocket?"
"You are so lucky that I love you."

"You love me?" Tom asked as he smiled, his eyes shining as he stared at his girlfriend.

"Of course I love you! Silly man. Let's not start the silly season yet please." Esmeralda answered as she took a step towards him.
"Now as I was saying. My excellent idea is that you and I will read fanfictions about ourselves." She continued. She tried to not laugh at the grimace Tom was making as he listened to the plan she had made for them.

"I've suddenly realised I forgot to water my plants and I'm pretty sure the stove is still on." He said while he attempted to escape the kitchen.

"Oh, no you don't, pretty boy." Esmeralda stated before she grabbed her boyfriend's shirt, hindering him from walking away.
"Let me just fix my noodles and then I expect both of us to be in the living room."

"Aye aye captain." Tom mumbled. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead before he walked out from the kitchen and headed towards the living room.

"Drama queen. He acts as if I just told him he had to plan and host a wedding all by himself." She muttered to herself.


"I did not just do that!" Tom exclaimed, throwing the phone on the couch. It's been three hours since they started reading fanfictions about themselves and while Esmeralda certainly found it all amusing, Tom himself was slowly losing his patience.

"Tom, it's just a fanfiction." The woman managed to say between her uncontrollable laughter that sounded through the whole apartment room.
"It's absurd! Where did you even find these??? Wait, don't tell me we are going to read more?"

"Have I ever shown you a fanfiction about Stalin and a dinosaur?" Esmeralda askad, her amusement growing as she noticed the way her boyfriend slowly turned his head to look at her.

"Stalin and who? Please don't tell me what I just think I heard?" Tom begged.
"Stalin and a dinosaur. I just dont remember the correct dinosaur name for it."
"Where do you even find these?! You know what don't answer me that." Tom said before he stood up from the floor. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go and order us some food. You can continue reading these weird traumatising fanfictions." He continued as he waved his hands in the air.

Esmeralda let out a laugh, taking in the pure traumatised eyes her boyfriend was giving her.
"Oh, come on not all of them were bad. Could you order me some fried chicken, cheese dip and fries please?" She requested while giving Tom her puppy eyes.

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