𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 (5)

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(No one's POV:)

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(No one's POV:)

The sky was beginning to lighten little by little, fading away the distant small stars as the full moon shone brightly above.  

The pines and spruces gave off a pleasant forest smell as their needles moved lightly, barely noticeably, in the cool breeze.

And Douma and Y/n still were sitting side by side on the tatami floor of the Enagawa (traditional Japanese veranda), warm cups of herbal tea in their hands.

If was pleasant for Y/n to be in his company, and to drink with him tea just like that in the moonlight, sharing interesting memories.

Douma gave her his black long haori, and wanted to wrap Y/n in it as a cold wind blew, and he noticed that she had goosebumps on her y/c skin.

Y/n wanted to protest at first, but Upper Moon Two assured her that he was not cold.

"-No, I told you, Y/n-san, I'm not cold at all! Here, try my hand!" Douma said, and gave Y/n his hand.

She hesitantly took it and gasped. Douma's hand was indeed almost hot. Y/n's lips parted slightly

"-Douma, do you have a fever?"

He chuckled, and feeling another breeze of cold wind, he stood up, wrapping Y/n in still warm haori.

"-Of course not, dear Y/n-san. If you are Upper Moon you can control your body temperature. So don't worry, alright?"

Y/n nodded, and stared at her tea cup, which she wrapped around with both hands.

"-And I thought I was the strongest demon after my father..."

Douma chuckled slightly, and leaned over to Y/n. He put his arms around her hands that still held the warm cup, as he smiled into Y/n's eyes

"-Y/n-san, you don't need to compare yourself to the Upper Moons. We, the Upper Ranks of the Twelve Kizuki, serve Kibutsuji-sama by diligently following his orders, and so raise our strength and rank." Douma spoke gently as Y/n looked into his iridescent eyes that never left hers.
"-You are our lord's gem. Diamond, gold, and platinum. Beyond all the competition. You do not need to try to outdo any of his servants. So please don't talk about yourself like that." he smiled, and let go of Y/n's hands, leaving her unable to say a word to that.

Douma sat back down in his seat, and took his mug of tea

"-But if you want, I can practice Blood Demon Art with you later!" he smiled, winking at Y/n, and taking a sip of his tea.

Y/n didn't know what was special about Douma, the way he spoke, the way he acted, or maybe it was just the knowledge that he wouldn't hurt her because of Muzan, but Y/n felt safe with Upper Moon Two.

So much so that at one point she felt her eyes slowly grow heavy, wanting to close...

She looked up into Douma's rainbow eyes, which glittered with the light of the skies, and he smiled at her, then shifted gently on the tatami floor

"-The tea is getting cold, Y/n-san. I'll go get some more, wait for me here. "

She nodded, and continued to look up at the night sky, where more and more stars were already dimmed by the lightening heavens..

And Y/n didn't notice how she felt like lying down on the tatami floor while Douma's black haori was still wrapped around her.

It warmed her so nicely... And it smelled so sweet, too...

The shoji door opened, and Douma walked in on Enagawa with a small teapot, closing it immediately behind him

"-Y/n-san, I brought hot tea. Where's your cup, I'll pour it for you..." and then he froze in place as his cheeks flushed.
"-But wait a minute! What about the hot springs, huh? There you'll get warmed up for su..."

Suddenly, his eyes landed on the petite form of Y/n, sleeping peacefully on the tatami floor.

She was wrapped up in his black loose haori, with only her hair peeking out, glistening in the fading light of the moon above.

Douma carefully placed the teapot on the small table, and then carefully took the cups away.

His heart thumped slightly as he carefully picked up Y/n in his arms bridal style, trying his best not to wake her, and carried her inside the temple.

Inside, Douma walked down the corridor, the walls of which were painted with graceful lotus patterns, and looked at Y/n's sleeping face.

He thought that there was something special about his Lord's daughter he found out only this night.

Her smile, her sparkling eyes half an hour ago, and now her warmth, the light rhythmic rising and falling of her chest, her hand unconsciously tugging at his shirt in her sleep...

They made Douma feel something strange inside.

Strange, but pleasant.

Too pleasant.

And Upper Moon Two felt that he might get addicted to that feeling.

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now