𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧 (11)

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(Y/n's POV:) 

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(Y/n's POV:) 

It must have been midnight by the time I got back, bathed, combed my hair, polished my blade, lit the lamps, and was sitting on the cushions in the living room, looking out at the moon through the shoji door that led to the zen garden. 

The moon was slowly waning from the full moon, and slowly became more and more like a crescent moon, disappearing from the sky.

I was reading a book I picked up in the evening at a big bookstore in Asakusa, and I was quite interested in it. It was about how flower scents affect the human body.

It was written that some smells can cause vigor, others can calm you down, and there were examples and warnings about the extent to which they should be used.

I was intrigued by this. I had never thought that people could be so fragile in terms of simple smells.

But then I wondered if it would work on demons.

In fact, for as long as I can remember, the only smell that has ever worked on me is the smell of a wisteria grove.

So, when I heard this interesting discovery, I immediately had the idea to test it: to go to nearby town and buy some aromatic herbs or oils.

After getting ready, pinning my hair up nicely, taking a basket with me, and putting on a beautiful y/c kimono, I was about to go to the candles to put them out when I heard a knock at shoji door.

It didn't scare me: only father and the kizuki knew about this house, the Ubuyashiki family, or those who lived in the mountain village nearby. So, on the contrary, I was curious to go open the door as soon as possible.

I walked to the door, fixing the only hairpin in my hair as I opened the shoji doors with the other.

(No one's POV:)

They swung open, letting in the moonlight as Y/n smiled

"-Akaza-dono, good midnight!"

She gestured for him to come inside, but he remained standing where he was

"-Good evening."

Y/n got surprised, and looked closely into his eyes, which for some reason were drilling into the ground, then shoji door, after that the hairpin in her hair. 

"-Y/n..." he said, looking away.
"-Tell me, were you planning to go out tonight somewhere by chance?"

She froze in place, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Was he reading her mind or something?

"-Yes, I was going to go to the town at the bottom of the mountain and buy some things!" she replied, pointing to the basket she had in her other hand outside the door.

"-Why, do you want to come with me?"


An hour later, Akaza and you were in what must have been the tenth fragrance shop, as you kept picking out more dried herbs and essential oils for yourself.

To Upper Moon Three, they all looked, smelled almost the same, and he couldn't wait for you to finish, but he never told you that. Because you, your smile right now, was the reason for his good mood after the events of last night and this evening. So Akaza crossed his arms and waited obediently until you were finally done shopping.

You looked, in any way, as if all those were interesting to you.

So he just watched, mesmerized, as you smiled at the saleswoman and picked from her another little jar of some oil, putting then your hand over your mouth as you giggled.

No wonder, he thought, that almost none of the demon slayers had guessed your true nature.

It's just that your whole appearance, your whole demeanor, made it look to Upper Moon Three like you were the epitome of sophistication and gentleness.
As if you were kindness and radiated kindness. As if every word you said fell like a gem to the ground, leaving floor shining.

And he probably didn't care much that you were a human eating demon, just like him.

Finally, the sky was already dawning as you walked out of that shop, with a bag full of dried flowers and herbs, essential oils and butters, scented wax candles, and even rose water, as the saleswoman bowed low to you

"-Thank you for your purchases! Come back again!" 

You said goodbye to her, smiling at the woman

"-Thank you!" you said as you walked out into the street.

The sky was slowly beginning to lighten, and you looked at Akaza's face.

"-Akaza-dono, tell me, did we get a good deal?" 

He took a deep breath, and after a second's pause, he answered


You were about to say something to him about giving some of the bags to you, but then you noticed that the sky was starting to lighten.

You turned around and the sun was barely visible on the horizon. Your heart immediately picked up speed: if you didn't hurry, Akaza would get burned by the sun.

So, before Upper Moon Three could think of anything, Y/n quickly kissed him on the cheek, snatched the basket from his hands, and disappeared, running rapidly into the forest.

"-Thanks for carrying the basket, Akaza-dono! Bye!"

His heart skipped a beat as he could still feel his cheek slightly damp for a few moments, and put his hand on it, feeling the warmth spreading about his entire body as he just stared into the large forest right in front of him.

The Upper Three listened to that warm pulsating sensation throughout his body, all the while thinking about why his body was reacting like that to a simple peck on the cheek from Y/n.

There had been many demon women before with whom he had had much more, but the sensations he had received now and in the tithe were not as strong.

And that... made him curious.

How much stronger could this strange feeling get?

(Y/n's POV:)

It was already dawn and the sun was gently stroking the top of my head as I approached house. I walked on Enagawa (traditional Japanese veranda), then opened the door and walked to my bedroom room to unpack my purchases.

I put the basket on the bed and opened the first jar I came across and put it to my nose: It was rose water.

"-What a sweet smell! No wonder humans love it." I thought, and was about to put the jar back when my eyes fell on the table.

There was a small note on it written in neat crafted Kana

"Y/n-sama, I have been informed that a few days ago you had to run into Hashira from which you were unable to protect yourself. Sama have expressed wish that you acquire skills that are as good as other Hashira, so that in the event of an incident, your life and health will never be in question. Tomorrow night we will begin training. I think you will become great student."

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now