𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙙 (14)

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Suddenly I felt something tugging at my waist, and suddenly arms wrapped around me, pinning me down as I fell to the ground.

Well, not on the ground, but on something a little softer than the ground.

I felt warm breath on my head as I sat up, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"-I almost fell into the abyss, miscalculating the strength of the attack... but Kokushibo managed to catch me?..."

"-Y/n-sama...Y/n..." said Kokushibo, as I felt his breathing was a little faster now. I had never seen him breathe so fast before.
"-You should be much more careful to consider the wind when distributing the swing of your blade and the weight of your body. You almost fell right off the top of this mountain."

I could feel my heart still pounding a bit, still trying to digest everything that had just happened, as I turned my head back to meet my eyes with red ones.

Kokushibo was sitting there, still holding me, and trying to fully steady his breathing as he looked me in the eyes.

I noticed something strange in his eyes at that moment... Was it...?

But before I could finish my thought, he blinked quickly and immediately released his arms around me.

A thought came to me suddenly, and I blushed slightly, blushing so much that the crows flying overhead must have seen it, and stood up, straightening my kimono and hiding the fallen blade in its sheath.

"-Thank you, Kokushibo..."

He stood up as well, sheathing his Nichirin. His long hair was blowing in the wind again as Kokushibo nodded, looking at me

"-It's the least I could do for you." he exhaled, looking off into the distance at the mountain slopes where the tall coniferous trees were burning.
"-Aside from your near-fall from almost the top of the mountain, our training was quite successful. I'm glad to know that your abilities are at this level." Kokushibo returned his gaze to me again, the wind whistling between us.

I smiled slightly as I adjusted my blade and looked into his eyes, which glittered in the moonlight.
"-Thank you, Kokushibo. It's not for nothing that I reached the rank of Hashira among demon slayers, is it?" I cocked my eyebrow, and turned my gaze to the mountainous distance again.

Kokushibo raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly, looking up at the horizon
"-Yes, it's no wonder humans have come to appreciate your power." he said, as he noticed that the sky was beginning to cloud over with light clouds.
"-Though it's also not surprising that it has caused them to question your origins."


(No one's POV:)

"-Wow! They look so good! Thank you so much!" -Y/n smiled when she saw the box in Douma's hands, which contained delicious smelling dango mochi.

She was sitting now in his bedchamber, where she came just after her training with Kokushibo. Temple always calm place to rest, and besides, Y/n already missed Douma a bit, so thought of coming to his after long training came to her mind naturally.

He smiled back and nodded to Y/n and she immediately reached into the box and took one stick of caramel flavored dango in her hand and the box in the other.

Y/n took a bite, and immediately released whimper as she turned her eyes to Douma. She shook her head, and when she swallowed her mouthwatering morsel, she smiled
"-But how did you know these are my favorite?"

Douma nodded, looking at the joyful Y/n next to him, who made him feel that strange pleasant feeling inside all over again.

Right now, he could barely stand the horrible smell of the human food in front of him that he himself had spent so many hours picking out in the human town, but he was more than sure it was worth it.

Y/n absolutely was enjoying this dango mochi. And as joyful and soothing as Y/n's smile was, he couldn't remember any other smile having that effect on him.

So he watched as Y/n carefully ate another bite, smacking and squealing with pleasure as she was eating, and he couldn't stop staring at her joyful face.

Suddenly, she stopped after finishing one stick, and reached across the cushions for the towels on the small table next to her.

"-Douma, how did you know these were my favorite? It don't remember me telling you,"
Y/n said smiling as she gently wiped her face, and then she looked up at him.

He was sitting next to her, unmoving, staring at her mesmerized, his cheeks ever so slightly pinker than before.

"-Douma, what's wrong?" Y/n asked, cocking her head, still looking at him with a slight misunderstanding as she placed the towel carefully on the table again.

She didn't know why, but it made her heart skip a beat. It was a strange feeling.

"-Y/n-san..." he said as Y/n quickly turned her eyes back to him. Her eyes glazed over, her eyelashes fluttering, as Y/n looked at Douma, trying to figure out what his next words would be.

And then, her heart beat a little quicker as she saw Douma, who was sitting right next to her on his knees, reach a little closer to her

"-Y/n-san, I... truly want to do something right now. May I?" Douma asked in a whisper as Y/n nodded slightly, looking at the still uneaten mochi dango in the box on her lap.

They looked so delicious that she had already picked up one stick, about to start eating it. Although, she still had that strange feeling of a slight increase in heart rate.

And so, Y/n picked up a dango stick, holding the lined wooden box with her other hand, and then... and her eyes widened as Y/n felt something soft and damp on her cheek with tiny smooching sound, and her cheeks instantly burst into flames.

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now