𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣, 𝙤𝙧 (16)

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(Unknown POV:)

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(Unknown POV:)

It was a dead night in the woods, and I could hear nothing but cicadas and bats as I sat there eating my midnight meal.

It was a young man from the village down the hill who, to his own misfortune, laughed I, had happened to be down the hill in the evening, probably on his way home from his woodworking shop with his young daughter.

Then when he saw me, he shouted at me so rudely, and also told his little daughter, which was definitely at least ten times more delicious that him, to go running.

"-Atsuko! Run to the village! Don't think about me! Run!"

It offended me!

What a rude man to take such a wonderful dessert away from me.

But now, he paid for it in full— all that was left of him could fit on my two palms.

I smiled— dawn was not so soon, and that little girl was at most five years old, so she would not be able to run far. Besides, there are many places in the night mountains where you can get lost and stuck...

I listened. At first, I could only hear silence through the night darkness. Suddenly, somewhere not too far away, I heard a child's quiet ragged breathing and a loud heartbeat.

I laughed and wiped my mouth as I got up from my seat and licked my hands. As I walked towards the place, which was the bushes not far away, I could hear the soft crying and warm breathing better and better.

"-Daddy, where are you? I'm so scared... It's cold... Daddy..."

I chuckled

"-I ate your daddy, so he's right here in my stomach."— tapped I my stomach, and human girl's eye twitched.

A smile spread across my face

It looks like that child was so scared that she couldn't get away. What a pitiful sight.

I got very close to the girl, but it looked like she couldn't move out of fear.

"-Your dad really tasted good. I wonder what his little human child will taste like?" -I leaned toward her and stretched my hand into the bush...

As suddenly, pain pierced my arm, forcing me to recoil and jump back. I immediately looked at my hand and saw that my hand was not there, but instead, blood was flowing furiously from an empty space.

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now