𝙎𝙤𝙛𝙩 (15)

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My eyes widened as I felt something soft and wet on my cheek with a tiny smooching sound

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My eyes widened as I felt something soft and wet on my cheek with a tiny smooching sound. 

Instantly understanding of what happened right now rushed to me, and my cheeks instantly burst into flames.

I tried to calm my heart, which was beating so hard at that moment, and put my hand on my still damp cheek as I turned my eyes to Douma.

His eyelashes fluttered around his graceful, beautiful eyes as his face was now a subtle shade pinker.

I listened, trying to catch even his heartbeat as I lowered my gaze to his covered chest, but instead heard a loud one of my own.

The sound of my heartbeat pounding in my chest only added to the hot sensation on my cheeks, which seemed to be growing more and more flushed.

(No one's POV:)

"-Y/n..." Douma spoke, his voice sounding tentative, and she turned her eyes back to his.
"-I... I'm not..."

Suddenly, Y/n abruptly rose to her knees.

Instantly, she put her hands on Douma's lap, making him jolt, and moved closer to his face.


And before Upper Two could think of anything, Y/n planted a small kiss on his cheek.

His insides immediately went up in flames as he tried to figure out if what he had just felt was true.

The demonic part of him told him that it was just a small kiss on the cheek from Y/n.

However, another part...he didn't know which part...said that it felt like...warmth.

The kind of warmth you get when you sit down next to a fire, cold, and as you cautiously move closer, you feel it warming your frozen face, melting away all the cold you've brought with you throughout your life.

It gives you a feeling of indescribable joy, happiness... but at the same time great peace. 

Now there was not a big fire in front of him. It was Y/n. Kibutsuji Y/n, the daughter of his demon lord, and the demon princess. Sounds like something quite far from fire, doesn't it?

But then, why did the trace she had left on his cheek, now barely perceptible, feel like real flames?

"-Lord Founder! May I see you for a moment?"

And then suddenly a muffled voice came from behind the shoji door, as someone gently knocked on its frame.


Apparently, the infinity only really encompassed the Infinite Castle, as Kokushibo turned his gaze somewhere to the side, or rather upwards...

He tried to see how many layers of shoji doors were hanging high above him as he stood near Nakime, waiting for Kibutsuji to appear.

The top one stood there for what must have been several minutes, still waiting for his lord, while a caustic silence, unbroken by anything, filled his ears.

Now he could hear even his own heart echoing. 

It seems that the castle was so large that the echo could have come from anything. 

Suddenly, he heard the sound of biwa

"-Muzan-sama has arrived."

Kokushibo immediately bowed, bowing his head as his six colorful eyes looked at the tatami floor.

One of his hands rested on the floor, keeping him balanced, while the other rested on the hilt of his katana.

"-Greetings, Muzan-sama."

Immediately, he heard a stirring not far from him, and he heard a voice he had known for centuries. It was the voice of Kibutsuji Muzan, the lord of all demons.

"-Greetings." he said, walking over to the bookshelves near his desk, looking for the right book. Now Muzan seemed to be concentrating on his own business more than on Kokushibo's report.

Kokushibo immediately nodded.
"-The training with Y/n-sama was successful. I've assessed her capabilities and she has a good command of the techniques." he paused for a moment, seemingly collecting his thoughts.

And he had a lot of them in his head right now.

Most of them were about Y/n.

But, he didn't allow himself to think about it now, lest any suspicion arise. 

Still, Kibutsuji can read the minds of his demons if he needs to.

"-Of course, there's a lot of work to be done, but she's definitely on Hashira's level now. Which, of course, she is, Muzan-sama." 

"-How about Moon Breathing?" asked Kibutsuji as he placed the book on the table and began to flip through the pages, reaching for some other books in the desk drawer. 

"-Y/n-sama is proficient in several techniques." Kokushibo nodded, a few strands of his dark hair cascading down his face.
"-I didn't test all of them, because there was a strong wind at the training place."

Muzan picked up a fountain pen and tapped it lightly with two fingers, spreading the ink evenly over the glass nib
"-It's always windy in the mountains. Why did you choose a place to train where it's always windy, then?"

Kokushibo was surprised by Kibutsuji's question, but of course he couldn't dare show it.

"-The answer is quite simple: I wanted to see if Y/n-sama could use the katana to control the swing force well in a strong wind."

Kibutsuji wiggled his eyebrows slightly, keeping his eyes on the page of the book in question as his other hand drew out the kanji on the fresh parchment

"-In that case, I wish that in the course of training, Y/n will continue to be able to use all of the moon's breathing techniques even in the face of strong winds." said Muzan as he continued to write
"-I entrust this to you."

Kokushibo nodded immediately, and bowed even lower. His head and hands touched the tatami floor for a moment, and then just as quickly came off

"-Of course, my lord. Do not doubt it." 

"-And, one more thing," Muzan said suddenly, holding out a wrapped paper toward Kokushibo. 

It was exactly what he had just finished writing, and it was tied with a small string that held the paper tightly against unrolling.

"-Give this to Y/n."

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now