𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 (10)

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People were walking and talking around, carriages were driving by, and there was a noise of sellers and buyers everywhere, as Kibutsuji walked by your side

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People were walking and talking around, carriages were driving by, and there was a noise of sellers and buyers everywhere, as Kibutsuji walked by your side. You were now in form of little girl, wearing cute dress and two braids with ribbons.

You and looked off to the side, examining loud crowds of humans

"-How noisy this place is." 

But Muzan was patiently examining place

"-I promise this is the last time I'll use you like this. But for now, let's concentrate on the task at hand." he finally said, letting you go to the ground.

You sighed, and took his hand obediently as you continued on your way.

"-When we get there, remember to give him your drawing." Muzan handed you a piece of paper as you continued on their way.  

You took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. 

Half an hour ago, you had drawn your "kid drawing" to give to the man they were going to see. 

Muzan insisted that you make this drawing for the man. This is because the last time you came, he was so nice to you, as if you were his own daughter.

Maybe it was because he had no children, so he thought you were cute. However, regardless of the reason for his attitude toward you, Kibutsuji had idea to use it to your advantage.

So right now, you were carrying a piece of paper with a picture of many many different blue flowers on it, and a little girl watering them.

And then, around the corner, you finally saw the place you were going to. In the middle of a wide, noisy street stood a three-story building, which glowed brightly at night, just like the rest of Asakusa.

As soon as you approached the gate, the concierge noticed you and let you into the spacious courtyard.

And not half a minute later, the doors of the house opened and a man in a suit stepped out, his eyes sparkling as soon as he saw Kibutsuji

"-Tsushihiko-sama! Come in, how nice to see you!" the man came down the stairs, shaking hands with Muzan.

"-Good evening, Yamada-sama." Kibutsuji smiled.
"-Thank you for inviting me."

Just then, you ran up to him, handing him your drawing.
"-Here, this is for you!" you said, putting on your best fake smile.

The man's eyes widened slightly as he took the drawing and began to examine it carefully

"-Ayako-san, thank you for such a beautiful drawing! It's really beautiful." He turned his gaze back to Kibutsuji and smiled.
"-Please, come in!"

(No one's POV:)

It was very late when you were sitting in the man's dining room and Muzan was talking to him.

You were eating your dango with ice cream, and they were drinking tea with some candy as they talked.

𝙈𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 (Doma, Akaza, Kokushibo x femreader) Where stories live. Discover now