Chapter 1: Saved by a handsome...Kitty?

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(Diana's POV)

How did I end up in the middle of the woods? That's a good question...I don't know. But here I am in a small thin dress. 'I knew I should have told El no. Now I'm going to either freeze to death or be eaten because she wanted to play dress up.' I thought. As I was rethinking my choses in friends. I felt the earth slip out from under me and then everything started to spin as I tumbled down a small hill. I wined a little just done with today. 'Of course I would fall down the one hill in this damn forest.' I thought as I let out a frustrated scream. Out of nowhere, I heard rustling from the bushes in front of me. I flinched at the thought that I was about to become a tasty meal for some hungry animal. But to my surprise, A human head...A human head with cat ears? Popped out from the bushes. I will omit even with the cat ears the man was cute. His hair was golden blonde, it almost looked like it was actual gold with its length going a little bit past his shoulders and he had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes. He was wearing clothing that I would say resembled that of ancient Greece or Rome, with what I assume to be a cape of some sort. The man seemed shocked and concerned to see me as he rushed over to me.

"Female! Are you injured? Where are your mates? Why are you in the forest? It is dangerous out here." He said. As he checks for injuries. 'Mates? Female' I thought. Either i'm dreaming, having a nightmare or I have somehow managed to fall into another world. Wait?! Was I isekaied? My enter nerd says yes but my logical brain says to stop being stupid.

" Mates? What is a mate?...I'm not from around her..." I was cut off by the sharp pain that came from him putting pressure on my ankle.

"I'm sorry, female...I did not mean to hurt you. It seems you are lost and don't know many things. So allow me to take you back to my hut. I am a healer and I will need to apply medicine to your injuries." He said before lifting me effortlessly. I won't lie being picked up by this handsome beast of a man is doing things to me and by things I mean my face is as red as a tomato.

"It's okay...Thank you." I said quietly. My logical brain is right...i'm stupid. Here I am trusting some strange handsome man with cat ears to not murder me or do other things to me. 

"There is no reason to thank me Female. This is what males are supposed to do." He said but I could see a small blush on his face.

I wrapped my arms around his neck so I could be more comfortable. "My name is Diana...What's your name?" I asked.

"Oh...Um...My name is Harvey," he said. I could hear how flustered he was getting.

"Well Harvey, Thank you for saving and taking care of me. Even if it is a males job." I said, causing him to blush redder. 'I guess I should stop, we are even now, a Blush for a blush.' I Thought.

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