Chapter 3: A goddess in distress

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(Harvey's POV)

As I treated my last patient of the day, I realized that the medicine I use was getting low. Worried that I might run out. I chose to head deep into the forest where I knew I could find the best herbs. As I was making way to the nice patch of herbs I discovered last time, I heard some noise and then a whine followed by a scream. My instincts instantly told me that it was a female. 'What was a female doing so deep in the forest? Had she been kidnapped or did she have to run and hide from a feral?' I thought my heart was beating at the numerous situations this female could have been in. I followed the noise until I finally popped my head out of the bush to see what was going on. What I saw had my breath stopping. There was the most beautiful female I have ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. She had long light pink colored hair and beautiful blue eyes that would remind you of the sea. 'I wonder if she belongs to the Mermaid clan? 'I thought to myself. I felt my heart skip a beat when our eyes met. My member started to react as the female seemed to be pleased by my features. Both from the way her eyes scanned my body and the small scent of arousal coming from her. 'No female has reacted this way to me, Does this mean that she may want me as her male? No Harvey, you must think rationally. She must have strong mates to be as beautiful as she is and no female would want a stripless male.' I thought. I scanned her body and panic filled me as I realized that she was injured. I ran up to her and knelt down. "Female! Are you injured? Where are your mates? Why are you in the forest? It is dangerous out here." I asked as I looked over her injuries. Due to her not speaking I looked up to be met with a look of confusion. 'By chance is she a sheltered female, Is that why she doesn't have any mate marks' I thought.

" Mates? What is a mate?...I'm not from around her..."She started but was cut off with a yelp.

"I'm sorry, female...I did not mean to hurt you. It seems you are lost and don't know many things. So allow me to take you back to my hut. I am a healer and I will need to apply medicine to your injury." I said worriedly before lifting her up into my arms. I could not transform into my leopard form due to the fear of her injuries becoming worse.

"It's okay...Thank you." She said quietly. I felt my face warm a little bit. 'This female is different from the others. None have ever thanked a male for doing their job.' I thought.

"There is no reason to thank me, female. This is what males are supposed to do." I said.

The female wrapped her arms around my neck and asked, "My name is Diana...What's your name?"

I felt my blush reappear and my tail started to move in happiness. "Oh...Um...My name is Harvey, "I said.

"Well Harvey, Thank you for saving and taking care of me. Even if it is a male's job." she said, I couldn't help but feel joy. Even if she wouldn't let me be her mate I wonder if this kind goddess will allow me to be her Guardian. 

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