Chapter 6: Confession

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After they left, I turned to Harvey "Harvey, I'm sorry, I know I should have let you handle it but his disrespect was too much for me."

Harvey grabbed my hands and said "There is know reason to apologize, It made me happy when you spoke out on my behalf."

Both him and I blushed in silence before my belly decided to protest. My face got redder and then he said " I guess we should cook you some food."

Earlier that day, Harvey had brought back a couple of rabbits. So I decided that since rabbits don't have much meat, we could turn it into stew. Harvey cut the vegetables and meat up in small chunks as the water was starting to boil. Once the water was boiling he put the veggies in first with some herbs and then he put the meat with some salt. Soon the stew was ready and my belly was letting us know it too. I took a bite and moaned, Even though I showed Harvey how to cook and what to use he somehow made it better than I could have. I'm not a bad cook by any means but this was like a trained chef kind of food. I could only imagine what he could do with oil and butter. ' I wonder if I could make those things here.' I thought.

"Harvey, you're so good at cooking. I love your food." I said happily. I looked over to see his face frozen and blood red.

"Um...I...Um glad you enjoy it." He stuttered. He shifted and moved a little bit so he wasn't facing me. ' He's so cute...' I was frozen in my thoughts when I noticed the tent in his clothing. Which caused me to become red. 'Does that mean he likes me? Like he's attracted to me?' I shook my head. 'Stop thinking about such things.' I thought looking away.

(Harvey's POV)

I forced myself to turn away from Diana due to my reaction to her kind words. I usually can control myself when she says these things or does things to me but I just couldn't do it anymore. Today has been eventful. Her actions and words have made me very happy...I would make any male happy. I sighed 'I need to confess my feelings to her. I know there is little chance of being accepted but I feel like I have a higher chance with her than the other females. She accepts me for who I am and doesn't judge me for my lack of stripes.'

After we both ate I cleaned the bowls as Diana went outside to the tree near our home to relax. She didn't want to stray away from our home too far due to her Estrous cycle coming soon.

I walked out to see her sitting under the tree talking to three males. I could tell by her body language she was not comfortable but was trying to be polite. She finds it hard to be mean and rude to others who have not done anything to her or those she cares about.

As I got closer " please be my mate, I can take care of you and protect you." Said John.

"Me too, I want to be your mate too." Said Alan.

"I promise to always love and protect you," said Kyle.

She was very uncomfortable until her eyes landed on me and they lit up. "Harvey!"

The three males glared at me due to her reaction to my presents. My heart thump with excitement. "Diana, you need to be forward with the males here. They are different from the ones you grew up around." I said.

I knew this would at least help her make them back off a little bit but also make the males understand that Things were different from where she came from. They turned back to her with confused looks. "Where I come from we get to know one another before we promise anything because sometimes after getting to know one another you find that you're not compatible." She explained.

All three of their tails started to go back and forth in excitement. "We can do that, we can get to know you and prove to be good mates." Kyle said.

"Okay, I'm fine with getting to know you. But could you not tell any other males, I don't like being surrounded by lots of people...especially males. It doesn't make me feel comfortable." She explained but I could tell the change in her voice. "I'm starting to become tired so I think I will go now, But let's get to know each other later." Diana got up and I walked back to the hut with her. I could feel the males staring in jealousy at me.

As I closed the door Diana bent over in pain. I rushed to her side but froze when I smelled a familiar scent. Quickly, I picked her up and took her to lay on the furs. "Sorry Harvey, the pain wasn't that bad when I was sitting down but the moment I was moving around it became worse." She said,

"There is no need to apologize, You're in heat." I said.

She looked down to see the blood and realized what was going on. "I knew I was close, I just.." She trailed off.

" It's okay just to get some rest, I will get some medicine." I said softly as she nodded her head. 

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