Chapter 13: Reckless impulse leads to new mate?! Part 2

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A/N: Sorry guys I made a mistake and published part 2 before part 1 so since I already I kind of showed you guys this part I'll give you 2 chapters this week but it means next week I will probably not post a chapter. 

(Diana's POV)

Harvey managed to get me close to the plaza, I think he was just happy I expressed immediate interest in a male instead of getting to know them and then showing interest afterwards. The ape king from before was on stage with 3 other men.

Before I could ask "Standing behind the Ape king is the wolf king, leopard king and Tiger king." whispered in my ear.

I assume the leopard king was the blonde man because he looks so much like Parker. That leaves the other 2, I have a good guest, which one is which but I should wait for verification.

Winston joined Them on stage " Winston, Thank you for bringing back five females. We will hold a banquet for them. Please join us." Winston let out a roar which caused my body to light up.

"Calm yourself, my love." He whispered.

I leaned into him and said " I'll try but you know what it does to me."

Harvey purred but was as red as I was but he knew exactly what I was talking about. He had found out very soon after we mated.

"The new females will pick their males on the first day. Everyone may compete on the stage, good luck on winning." He announced.

I covered my ears at the loud cheers and roars from the males. Harvey rubbed circles on my skin to comfort me, which absolutely did. I pitied the females, they looked awful, it was like no one cared to let them heal or become comfortable before trying anything. 'I wondered if they would be willing to change that, even just a little bit.' I thought to myself.

The Ape king pointed to the female that was on top of Winston. "This fox female and her partner were kidnapped by scorpion ferals. Her partner was killed, and Winston saved her. She will automatically become Winston's Partner."

'Wow, he's lucky, she's so pretty. Now he won't be a laughing stock.' I thought. Winston transformed into a very handsome, very big man and when I say big I mean big. I hid my face in Harvey's neck causing him to chuckle. I still haven't gotten used to this world's laws of nudity. "May I become your Male?" He said.

I peaked to see the female in fear, the female hid behind another and cried "No...Don't come closer..." I felt anger tug at me even more so when everyone started laughing.

"Harvey, put me down." I demanded.

He was so confused, "My love, I'm going to do something impulsive." I said before pushing my way to the front before Harvey could stop me.

"Um... excuse me! Excuse me!" I said the ape king looked at me in shock and confusion as did everyone else.

"Yes, female?" He said unsure about the situation,

I looked at Winston who was staring me down, I became uncomfortable but not because of him, it's because of everyone else. "I would like to take Winston as a mate...If he wants to." I said.

My heart was beating as I could see that everyone was taken back by what I said. The silence was killing me. It seemed to affect Winston the most because it looked like he was unsure if it was true or not.

"This is a bit Winston, this female has asked you to be her mate?" The Ape king tried to seem professional but was still in a state of shock.

Winston walked up to me with my eyes locked with his (More so to stop myself from staring down there) He knelt down on one knee and bowed his head causing my face to go red. "It would be my honor."

Winston's POV

I could see that the female was already scared of me. Though I know she will reject me like the other females, I must ask per tradition. I glanced over in the crowd hoping to see the beautiful female once more. To my surprise, she was watching with her mate. A part of me hopes the fox female rejects me so I could have even a moment of the beautiful female's time. I transformed in front of the fox female and asked "May I become your Male?"

To no surprise she hid behind another female cowering in fear "No...Don't come closer..." she cried.

Everyone starts laughing at me, as being rejected wasn't humiliating enough. I kept my eyes to the ground not wanting to meet the beautiful female eyes. 'She may not even consider me now' I thought. I was about ready to transform and leave when I heard.

"Um... excuse me! Excuse me!" I looked up to see the beautiful female making her way to the edge of the stage.

Everyone went silent in confusion as to why the female was interrupting the event. "Yes, female?" the Ape king asked.

The beautiful female eyes met mine and I felt as if the whole world froze. So many thoughts were going through my head but what she said next nobody expected. "I would like to take Winston as a mate...If he wants to." she said.

Everyone who heard her was silent in shock, I included. 'She wants her mate?' I thought. My heart was beating fast and my excitement was rising inside of me.

The ape king cleared his throat and said "This is a bit Winston, this female has asked you to be her mate?"

I couldn't stop myself from walking to her, this all seemed like a dream...a fantasy. I knelt down and bowed my head "It would be my honor." I said. I could not stop my tail from moving in excitement. 

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