Chapter 16: Cubs and a message from God? Gods?

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(Diana's POV)

The next morning I woke up in pain, "H...Harvey.." I tried to say.

My lovely mate shifted immitaly and was at my side "What's wrong, my love?"

"My...My belly... it hurts." I struggled to say.

Harvey placed his head on my belly making sure not to put too much pressure on me. Then his head shot up. ' My love, the cubs are coming!!" He said.

My eyes shot to meet him almost in shock, he leaned in and kissed my forehead before leaving the room for a moment. When he came back Shuu was with him and they both had arms full of different things. " My love, Shuu, was outside waiting so I asked him to come help." He said making sure I understood.

I let out a scream of pain causing Shuu to become startled. "Shuu, I need you to comfort Diana and get her to relax as much as possible." Harvey said.

Shuu came to my side and held my hand and whispered sweet things into my ear. After what seemed like forever, the babies were in the right position for me to start to push. Harvey placed a piece of leather in my mouth to stop me from hurting myself. "Okay my love, it's time, I need you to push." Harvey said.

Shuu was still at my side holding my hand. I pushed as I let out a painful scream, that's when I felt some pressure and then a bit of relief. Shuu leaned in closer and said "You're doing great, your first cub looks healthy."

I went to say something but another round of pain started. " My love, you need to push again." Harvey said.

This went on for a while until the last cub came out. "My love, you have given us 5 healthy cubs." Harvey said before kissing my head.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't think. It was like I lost the ability to talk and that's when I noticed my vision starting to become dark.

(Harvey's POV)

My heart dropped as I watched Diana pass out. 'This was not normal for females giving birth' I thought. I leaned into her chest to hear her heart slowing down. "Shuu, watch over the cubs." I said as I rushed out of the room. I started to go through every medicine I had until I found the beat herb (I made this up 😂) and the cold herb (mint). I put them in a stone bowl and mixed them with water. These herbs mixed together with water makes a powerful scent that when inhaled can make your heart beat faster. I ran back to Diana's side. "Shuu!! I need you to lift Diana in a sitting position. He nodded and lifted her to the right position. I put the bowl under her nose and kept it there for a few moments. Lowering the bowl, I leaned in just to breathe a sigh of relief when I hear her heart start to speed up. I fostered for Shuu to lie her back down. (A/N: I know about the crystals. I did not forget them. I just wanted Harvey to show off his skills as a healer.)

"Harvey? Will she be alright?" Shuu asked.

I looked at my love and said " I believe so, I will watch over her to make sure."

"May I stay?" He asked.

I looked over at the young pup. "I believe Diana would like that very much."

(Diana's POV)

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but close them with how bright it was. 'Why was I outside?' I wondered. I opened my eyes up but used my hand to shield my eyes. Looking around, I saw a beautiful field of white lilies. I got up and started to look around until I found myself und a purple flowered tree. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard.

I turned around to see a beautiful woman with white hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in what looked like white silk, gold, and jewels. "What?" I asked confused.

She chuckled and walked up to the tree next to me and placed her hand on it. "This tree is a replica of a tree that one of my mates would often bring me to when he wanted alone time with me." She said,

"I don't mean to be rude but who are you? and where am I?" I asked.

"It's too soon for you to know my name but I can tell you what I am. I'm the goddess of balance and this is my paradise. I have pulled you here to give you a warning. Don't trust that girl and don't trust the Ape king. Your fate is not intertwined with this world so the laws of this world does not apply." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can not say but will do everything I can to keep you safe. We will talk again, child of man." she said before I knew it my vision went black again. 

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