Chapter 17: Family meeting

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(Harvey's POV)

Shuu is the only one who I am allowing in the house right now. He has been helping with the cubs and care for Diana. She has been asleep for 4 days and I am beginning to become worried. I have tried everything to wake her up but nothing has worked. Shuu came into the room with the "The cubs are asleep, how is she doing?" He asked.

"She's..." I stopped hearing a groan. Both of our heads snap to Diana to see her eyes slowly open.

"Diana!! My Love!!" I said coming to her side. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm fine...Harvey? Shuu?...What's wrong? Why are you looking at me that way? "she asked.

"Diana, You almost died...Your heart almost stopped...You have been asleep for 4 days." I said in tears.

"Harvey...I think we need to have a family meeting. That includes Winston, Remy, and Muir as well." She said looking at both of us.

Shuu hesitates and then says "Diana, you should get some rest."

"No!! I was not dying, I was sent somewheres." She said, "Please get them," She asked.

(Diana's POV)

Once Harvey returned with Winston, Remy, and Muir. I started "I'm sure you have been informed about what has happened to me."

They all nodded with a look of worry in their eyes. "What i'm about to say must not be told to anyone and because all of you are either mated to me or will be mated to me I trust you." I breath in and the out and said " I was summoned by a goddess, I don't know if she is the beast god but she did say she was the goddess of balance and I dont know why my heart almost stopped when she pulled me into her realm. But the reason she summoned me was to warn me she said '... Don't trust that girl and don't trust the Ape king. Your fate is not intertwined with this world so the laws of this world does not apply.' The girl she is speaking of is Bai. I know this is alot and I can understand if you don't want to believe me."

" I believe you my love. I do not believe you would make something like this up. You are the kindest female I have ever met. You love me despite my lack of stripes and allow me to continue to be a healer something that I find pride in doing." Harvey said.

My heart skipped at what my little kitten said. "We have yet to mate but you have given me a scarred beast who is known to be ugly a chance at love and a family. Despite how others see me, you see me in another way. I believe such a kind female could never make such a thing up." Winston said.

"I thought all females were alike but that was until I met you. You cared about others well beings, you cried for males that weren't your suitors. I never seen a female do that. If you say that you met a goddess then I believe you." Muir said.

"I have watched others from my litter and previous litters get mates. Despite me having stripes, I could not find a female. That was until I met you and watched as you even turned the heart of my brothers mate. Every where you go your bring happiness and a sense of safety. I believe you." Shuu said.

"When you appeared at the front gates of the city with your mate, I instantly knew that you were the female for me. Even if you never accepted me I would spend my life protecting you. That day I fell in love with you and ever since I keep falling in love with your kindness and personality and the little odd creations. I love it all. I will believe you always." Remy said.

Tears filled my eyes at how sweet and amazing they are. They became worried seeing my tears "i'm sorry these are happy tears, You make me feel so loved and I can't wait to be mated to all of you" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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