Chapter 9: one dead, two in severe condition, two unconscious

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(Harvey's POV)

It's been one day and the four of them have not woken up yet. I felt anxious and worried, my mate was injured due to a Feral. John died from his injuries and Kyle and Alan most likely won't make it. Parker is in the same condition but he is doing better than those two. My poor Diana was all bruised, thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could have been but she could still die if I'm not careful.

"QingQing!" I heard Parker say as he shot up.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and said " Don't move! Do you want to die? Your wounds are going to reopen!"

" I have to go save QingQing!" He yelled.

" Can you defeat a tetra beast? Your wounds are severe. They need time to heal. Don't run around."I said.

"I can't just not do anything." He said and then looked at Kyle and Alan. " I'm sorry, if I was thinking correctly, they wouldn't be hurt and neither would Diana. She tried to stop the Feral...she tried to protect QingQing. Please don't be angry at angry at me. I'm going to the city of beasts to ask my father for help. You might want to think about moving there once Diana is better. She would be better protected there." He said before leaving.

Within the next two hours Kyle's and Alans conditions took a turn for the worst. "Harvey?" I heard.

I felt tears coming down my cheeks when I saw my love crying staring at the males." This is my fault...I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She sobbed.

My heart sank and any anger I had disappeared seeing her in this state. I pulled her body into me as she cried in my arms. We stayed that way until she wanted to sit next to them. I told her that they will most likely not make it. " Please make it, I will mate with you if you do. We didn't know each other that well but you guys were so sweet and so nice. You put your lives on the line for me. I'm sorry, if I had listened none of this would have happened." She cried.

But even the prospect of mating didn't give the males the strength to survive. The next morning, they died. After we buried them Diana barely ate and never left our room. My heart hurts to see her like this. A couple days later, a search party came to the village to ask questions about the feral that took QingQing.

" I heard that the only other survivor was a female. May I speak with her." The eagle asked.

"I'm not sure that would be good for her. She has barely eaten or left the hut since the incident..." I was explaining when I was cut off.

"What do you want to know?" I heard.

I turn around to see Diana holding on to the door frame. Quickly, I picked her up into my arms. Anyone could see how she was. Her cheeks were stained with tears, black bags under her eyes and she was thin. The eagle's eyes soften at the sight of Diana. He asked questions and she answered them for him. " please...please bring QingQing home. She means a lot to Parker and I. Please...please." She said as tears started to trickle down her cheeks.

"We will." Was all he said.

I brought her back into the hut seeing as there was nothing else to be said. I hope things get better, I can't bear to see my Diana like this.

(Muirs POV) (Really short)

I watched the healer take his mate inside as she cried. 'She is different from other females. She is kind, caring, and cries for others. I wonder why she only has one mate. She is the most beautiful female I have ever seen. My heart ached for her. She should never have to go through such a thing. When I am done with this mission. I will come back and bring her to the city of beasts and protect her. She will never fear or cry again.' I thought.

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